Source code for gavo.helpers.processing

An abstract processor and some helping code.

Currently, I assume a plain text interface for those.  It might be
a good idea to use the event mechanism here.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

import io
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import threading
import traceback
from contextlib import contextmanager

from PIL import Image

from gavo import base
from gavo import rsc
from gavo import utils
from gavo.helpers import anet
from gavo.helpers import fitstricks
from gavo.utils import fitstools
from gavo.utils import pyfits

# matplotlib is an expensive import.  Only do that if we're sure
# we need it.
matplotlib = utils.DeferredImport("matplotlib", "import matplotlib")
figure = utils.DeferredImport("figure", "from matplotlib import figure")

_MPL_LOCK = threading.RLock()
[docs]@contextmanager def matplotlibLock(): _MPL_LOCK.acquire() matplotlib.use("Agg") try: yield finally: _MPL_LOCK.release()
[docs]class CannotComputeHeader(Exception): """is raised when no FITS header was generated by a HeaderProcessor. Specifically, this is what gets raised when ``_getHeader`` returns ``None``. """
[docs]class FileProcessor(object): """An abstract base for a source file processor. In concrete classes, you need to define a ``process(fName)`` method receiving a source as returned by the dd (i.e., usually a file name). You can override the method ``_createAuxiliaries(dataDesc)`` to compute things like source catalogues, etc. Thus, you should not need to override the constructor. These objects are usually constructed thorough ``api.procmain`` as discussed in :dachsdoc:`processing.html`. """ inputsDir = base.getConfig("inputsDir") def __init__(self, opts, dd): self.opts, self.dd = opts, dd self._createAuxiliaries(dd) def _createAuxiliaries(self, dd): # There's been a typo here in previous DaCHS versions; try # to call old methods if they are still there if hasattr(self, "_createAuxillaries"): self._createAuxillaries(dd)
[docs] def classify(self, fName): return "unknown"
[docs] def process(self, fName): pass
[docs] def addClassification(self, fName): label = self.classify(fName) self.reportDict.setdefault(label, []).append(os.path.basename(fName))
[docs] def printTableSize(self): try: tableName = self.dd.makes[0].table.getQName() with base.AdhocQuerier(base.getAdminConn) as q: itemsInDB = list(q.query("SELECT count(*) from %s"%tableName))[0][0] print("Items currently in assumed database table: %d\n"%itemsInDB) except (base.DBError, IndexError): pass
[docs] def printReport(self, processed, ignored): print("\n\nProcessor Report\n================\n") if ignored: print("Warning: There were %d errors during classification"%ignored) repData = sorted(zip([len(l) for l in list(self.reportDict.values())], list(self.reportDict.keys()))) print(utils.formatSimpleTable(repData)) print("\n") self.printTableSize()
[docs] def printVerboseReport(self, processed, ignored): print("\n\nProcessor Report\n================\n") if ignored: print("Warning: There were %d errors during classification"%ignored) repData = sorted(zip(list(self.reportDict.values()), list(self.reportDict.keys())), key=lambda v: -len(v[0])) print("\n%s\n%s\n"%(repData[0][1], "-"*len(repData[0][1]))) print("%d items\n"%(len(repData[0][0]))) for items, label in repData[1:]: print("\n%s\n%s\n"%(label, "-"*len(label))) items.sort() print("%d items:\n"%(len(items))) print("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(", ".join(items)))) print("\n") self.printTableSize()
[docs] @staticmethod def addOptions(parser): parser.add_option("--filter", dest="requireFrag", metavar="STR", help="Only process files with names containing STR", default=None) parser.add_option("--bail", help="Bail out on a processor error," " dumping a traceback", action="store_true", dest="bailOnError", default=False) parser.add_option("--report", help="Output a report only", action="store_true", dest="doReport", default=False) parser.add_option("--verbose", help="Be more talkative", action="store_true", dest="beVerbose", default=False) parser.add_option("--n-procs", "-j", help="Run NUM processes in" " parallel", action="store", dest="nParallel", default=1, metavar="NUM", type=int)
_doneSentinel = ("MAGIC: QUEUE DONE",)
[docs] def iterJobs(self, nParallel): """executes process() in parallel for all sources and iterates over the results. We use this rather than multiprocessing's Pool, as that cannot call methods. I'm working around this here. """ import multiprocessing taskQueue = multiprocessing.Queue(nParallel*4) doneQueue = multiprocessing.Queue() def worker(inQueue, outQueue): if hasattr(self, "conn"): self.conn = base.getDBConnection("trustedquery") for srcId in iter(inQueue.get, None): if (self.opts.requireFrag is not None and not self.opts.requireFrag in srcId): continue try: outQueue.put(self.process(srcId)) except base.SkipThis: continue except Exception as ex: ex.source = srcId if self.opts.bailOnError: sys.stderr.write("*** %s\n"%srcId) traceback.print_exc() outQueue.put(ex) outQueue.put(self._doneSentinel) # create nParallel workers activeWorkers = 0 # close my connection; it'll be nothing but trouble once # the workers see (and close) it, too if hasattr(self, "conn"): self.conn.close() for i in range(nParallel): multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=(taskQueue, doneQueue)).start() activeWorkers += 1 if hasattr(self, "conn"): self.conn = base.getDBConnection("trustedquery") # feed them their tasks toDo = self.iterIdentifiers() while True: try: taskQueue.put(next(toDo)) except StopIteration: break while not doneQueue.empty(): yield doneQueue.get() # ask them to quit and wait until all have said they're quitting for i in range(nParallel): taskQueue.put(None) taskQueue.close() while activeWorkers: item = doneQueue.get() if item==self._doneSentinel: activeWorkers -= 1 else: yield item
def _runProcessor(self, procFunc, nParallel=1): """calls procFunc for all sources in self.dd. This is the default, single-tasking implementation. """ processed, ignored = 0, 0 if nParallel==1: def iterProcResults(): for source in self.iterIdentifiers(): if (self.opts.requireFrag is not None and not self.opts.requireFrag in source): continue try: yield procFunc(source) except base.SkipThis: continue except Exception as ex: ex.source = source if self.opts.bailOnError: sys.stderr.write("*** %s\n"%source) traceback.print_exc() yield ex resIter = iterProcResults() else: resIter = self.iterJobs(nParallel) while True: try: res = next(resIter) if isinstance(res, Exception): raise res except StopIteration: break except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(2) except Exception as msg: if self.opts.bailOnError: sys.exit(1) sys.stderr.write("Skipping source %s: (%s, %s)\n"%( getattr(msg, "source", "(unknown)"), msg.__class__.__name__, repr(msg))) ignored += 1 processed += 1 sys.stdout.write("%6d (-%5d)\r"%(processed, ignored)) sys.stdout.flush() return processed, ignored
[docs] def iterIdentifiers(self): """iterates over all identifiers that should be processed. This is usually the paths of the files to be processed. You can, however, override it to do something else if that fits your problem (example: Previews in SSA use the accref). """ return iter(self.dd.sources)
[docs] def processAll(self): """calls the process method of processor for all sources of the data descriptor dd. """ if self.opts.doReport: self.reportDict = {} procFunc = self.addClassification else: procFunc = self.process processed, ignored = self._runProcessor(procFunc, nParallel=self.opts.nParallel) if self.opts.doReport: if self.opts.beVerbose: self.printVerboseReport(processed, ignored) else: self.printReport(processed, ignored) return processed, ignored
######### Utility methods
[docs] def getProductKey(self, srcName): return utils.getRelativePath(srcName, self.inputsDir)
[docs]class ImmediateHeaderProcessor(FileProcessor): """An base for processors doing simple FITS manipulations to the primary FITS header. To define these, override ``_isProcessed(self, srcName, hdr)`` and ``_changeHeader(self, hdr)``. ``_changeHeader`` can change the pyfits header ``hdr`` in place. It will then be replaced on the actual file. For complex operations, it is probably advisable to use ``HeaderProcessor`` which gives you a two-step process of first having the detached headers that you can check before applying them. """ def _isProcessed(self, srcName, hdr): return False
[docs] def process(self, srcName): with open(srcName, "rb") as f: hdr = fitstools.readPrimaryHeaderQuick(f) if not self.opts.reProcess: if self._isProcessed(srcName, hdr): return self._changeHeader(srcName, hdr) fitstools.replacePrimaryHeaderInPlace(srcName, hdr)
[docs] @staticmethod def addOptions(optParser): FileProcessor.addOptions(optParser) optParser.add_option("--reprocess", help="Recompute all headers", action="store_true", dest="reProcess", default=False)
[docs]class HeaderProcessor(FileProcessor): """A base for processors doing FITS header manipulations. The processor builds naked FITS headers alongside the actual files, with an added extension .hdr (or whatever is in the headerExt attribute). The presence of a FITS header indicates that a file has been processed. The headers on the actual FITS files are only replaced if necessary. The basic flow is: Check if there is a header. If not, call _getNewHeader(srcFile) -> hdr. Store hdr to cache. Insert cached header in the new FITS if it's not there yet. You have to implement the _getHeader(srcName) -> pyfits header object function. It must raise an exception if it cannot come up with a header. You also have to implement _isProcessed(srcName) -> boolean returning True if you think srcName already has a processed header. This basic flow is influenced by the following opts attributes: - reProcess -- even if a cache is present, recompute header values - applyHeaders -- actually replace old headers with new headers - reHeader -- even if _isProcessed returns True, write a new header - compute -- perform computations The idea is that you can: - generate headers without touching the original files: proc - write all cached headers to files that don't have them proc --apply --nocompute - after a bugfix force all headers to be regenerated: proc --reprocess --apply --reheader All this leads to the messy logic. Sorry 'bout this. """ headerExt = ".hdr" maxHeaderBlocks = 40 cardSequence = None def _makeCacheName(self, srcName): return srcName+self.headerExt def _writeCache(self, srcName, hdr): dest = self._makeCacheName(srcName) # nuke info on sizes that may still lurk; we don't want that in the # cache hdr = hdr.copy() hdr.set("BITPIX", 8) hdr.set("NAXIS", 0) if "NAXIS1" in hdr: del hdr["NAXIS1"] if "NAXIS2" in hdr: del hdr["NAXIS2"] hdr = fitstools.sortHeaders(hdr, commentFilter=self.commentFilter, historyFilter=self.historyFilter, cardSequence=self.cardSequence) serialized = fitstools.serializeHeader(hdr) with open(dest, "wb") as f: f.write(serialized) hdus = hdus.verify() hdus.close() def _readCache(self, srcName): """returns a pyfits header object for the cached result in srcName. If there is no cache, None is returned. """ src = self._makeCacheName(srcName) if os.path.exists(src): with open(src, "rb") as f: hdr = fitstools.readPrimaryHeaderQuick(f, self.maxHeaderBlocks) return hdr def _makeCache(self, srcName): if self.opts.compute: if self.opts.beVerbose: print("Now computing for", srcName) hdr = self._getHeader(srcName) if hdr is None: raise CannotComputeHeader("_getHeader returned None") self._writeCache(srcName, hdr) # headers copied from original file rather than the cached header keepKeys = set(["SIMPLE", "BITPIX", "NAXIS", "NAXIS1", "NAXIS2", "EXTEND", "BZERO", "BSCALE"]) def _fixHeaderDataKeys(self, srcName, header): oldHeader = self.getPrimaryHeader(srcName) for key in self.keepKeys: if key in oldHeader: header.set(key, oldHeader[key])
[docs] def commentFilter(self, value): """returns true if the comment value should be preserved. You may want to override this. """ return True
[docs] def historyFilter(self, value): """returns true if the history item value should be preserved. """ return True
def _writeHeader(self, srcName, header): self._fixHeaderDataKeys(srcName, header) header = fitstools.sortHeaders(header, commentFilter=self.commentFilter, historyFilter=self.historyFilter) fitstools.replacePrimaryHeaderInPlace(srcName, header) def _isProcessed(self, srcName): """override. """ return False def _mungeHeader(self, srcName, header): """override this or _getHeader. """ return header def _getHeader(self, srcName): """override this or _mungeHeader. """ return self._mungeHeader(srcName, self.getPrimaryHeader(srcName))
[docs] @staticmethod def getPrimaryHeader(srcName): """returns the primary header of srcName. This is a convenience function for user derived classes. """ f = open(srcName, "rb") hdr = utils.readPrimaryHeaderQuick(f) f.close() return hdr
[docs] def process(self, srcName): if (not (self.opts.reProcess or self.opts.reHeader) and self._isProcessed(srcName)): return cache = self._readCache(srcName) if cache is None or self.opts.reProcess: self._makeCache(srcName) cache = self._readCache(srcName) if cache is None: return if not self.opts.applyHeaders: return if self.opts.reHeader or not self._isProcessed(srcName): self._writeHeader(srcName, cache)
[docs] @staticmethod def addOptions(optParser): FileProcessor.addOptions(optParser) optParser.add_option("--reprocess", help="Recompute all headers", action="store_true", dest="reProcess", default=False) optParser.add_option("--no-compute", help="Only use cached headers", action="store_false", dest="compute", default=True) optParser.add_option("--apply", help="Write cached headers to" " source files", action="store_true", dest="applyHeaders", default=False) optParser.add_option("--reheader", help="Write cached headers" " to source files even if it looks like they already have" " been written", action="store_true", dest="reHeader", default=False)
[docs]class AnetHeaderProcessor(HeaderProcessor): """A file processor for calibrating FITS frames using It might provide calibration for "simple" cases out of the box. You will usually want to override some solver parameters. To do that, define class attributes sp_<parameter name>, where the parameters available are discussed in helpers.anet's docstring. sp_indices is one thing you will typically need to override. To use SExtractor rather than anet's source extractor, override sexControl, to use an object filter (see anet.getWCSFieldsFor), override the objectFilter attribute. To add additional fields, override _getHeader and call the parent class' _getHeader method. To change the way is called, override the _solveAnet method (it needs to return some result anet.of getWCSFieldsFor) and call _runAnet with your custom arguments for getWCSFieldsFor. See :dachsdoc:`processors#astrometry-net` for details. """ sourceExtractorControl = None objectFilter = None indexPath = os.path.join(base.getConfig("rootDir"), "astrometry-indexes") noCopyHeaders = set(["simple", "bitpix", "naxis", "imageh", "imagew", "naxis1", "naxis2", "datamin", "datamax", "date"])
[docs] @staticmethod def addOptions(optParser): def storeDestPath(opt, opt_str, value, parser): parser.values.copyTo = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), os.path.expanduser(value)) HeaderProcessor.addOptions(optParser) optParser.add_option("--no-anet", help="Do not run anet, fail if" " no cache is present to take anet headers from", action="store_false", dest="runAnet", default=True) optParser.add_option("--copy-to", help="Copy sandbox to" " this directory (WARNING: it will be deleted if it exists!)." " Probably most useful with --bail", type="str", action="callback", callback=storeDestPath) optParser.set_defaults(copyTo=None)
def _isProcessed(self, srcName): return "CD1_1" in self.getPrimaryHeader(srcName) def _runAnet(self, srcName): return anet.getWCSFieldsFor( srcName, self.solverParameters, self.sourceExtractorControl, self.objectFilter, getattr(self.opts, "copyTo", None), self.indexPath, self.opts.beVerbose) @property def solverParameters(self): return dict( (n[3:], getattr(self, n)) for n in dir(self) if n.startswith("sp_")) def _solveAnet(self, srcName): if self.opts.runAnet: return self._runAnet(srcName) else: oldCards = self._readCache(srcName) if oldCards is None: raise CannotComputeHeader("No cached headers and you asked" " not to run") return def _shouldRunAnet(self, srcName, hdr): return True def _getHeader(self, srcName): hdr = self.getPrimaryHeader(srcName) if self._shouldRunAnet(srcName, hdr): wcsCards = self._solveAnet(srcName) if not wcsCards: raise CannotComputeHeader(" did not" " find a solution") fitstricks.copyFields(hdr, wcsCards, self.noCopyHeaders) return self._mungeHeader(srcName, hdr)
[docs] def commentFilter(self, value): return ( "Index name" in value or "Cxdx margin" in value or "Field scale lower" in value or "Field scale upper" in value or "Start obj" in value or "End obj" in value or "Tweak" in value or "code error" in value)
[docs] def historyFilter(self, value): return ("suite" in value or "blind" in value)
[docs]class PreviewMaker(FileProcessor): """A file processor for generating previews. For these, define a method getPreviewData(accref) -> string returning the raw preview data. """
[docs] @staticmethod def addOptions(optParser): FileProcessor.addOptions(optParser) optParser.add_option("--force", help="Generate previews even" " where they already exist", action="store_true", dest="force", default=False)
[docs] def iterIdentifiers(self): """iterates over the accrefs in the first table of dd. """ tableId = self.dd.makes[0].table.getQName() for r in self.conn.queryToDicts("select accref from %s"%tableId): yield r["accref"]
def _createAuxiliaries(self, dd): self.previewDir = dd.rd.getAbsPath( dd.getProperty("previewDir")) if not os.path.isdir(self.previewDir): os.makedirs(self.previewDir) self.conn = base.getDBConnection("trustedquery") FileProcessor._createAuxiliaries(self, dd)
[docs] def getPreviewPath(self, accref): res = list(self.conn.query("select preview from dc.products where" " accref=%(accref)s", {"accref": accref})) if not res: raise IOError("%s is not in the products table. Update/import" " the resource?"%accref) if res[0][0]=="AUTO": raise base.ReportableError("Preview path in the product table is AUTO." " Will not write preview there. Make sure you have properly" " bound the preview parameter in //products#define and re-import.") return os.path.join(self.inputsDir, res[0][0])
[docs] def classify(self, path): if not path.startswith("/"): # It's probably an accref when we're not called from process path = self.getPreviewPath(path) if self.opts.force: return "without" if os.path.exists(path): return "with" else: return "without"
[docs] def process(self, accref): path = self.getPreviewPath(accref) if self.classify(path)=="with": return dirPart = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dirPart): os.makedirs(dirPart) os.chmod(dirPart, 0o775) with utils.safeReplaced(path) as f: f.write(self.getPreviewData(accref)) os.chmod(path, 0o664)
[docs]class SpectralPreviewMaker(PreviewMaker): linearFluxes = False spectralColumn = "spectral" fluxColumn = "flux" connectPoints = True def _createAuxiliaries(self, dd): PreviewMaker._createAuxiliaries(self, dd) self.sdmDD = self.dd.rd.getById(self.sdmId)
[docs] @staticmethod def get2DPlot(tuples, linear=False, connectPoints=True): """returns a png-compressed pixel image for a 2D plot of (x,y) tuples. """ with matplotlibLock(): fig = figure.Figure(figsize=(4,2)) ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1], frameon=False) if linear: plotter = ax.plot else: plotter = ax.semilogy if connectPoints: linestyle = "-" else: linestyle = "o" plotter( [r[0] for r in tuples], [r[1] for r in tuples], linestyle, color="black") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) rendered = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(rendered, format="png", dpi=50) rendered = io.BytesIO(rendered.getvalue()) im = im = im.convert("L") im = im.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=8) compressed = io.BytesIO(), format="png", bits=3) return compressed.getvalue()
[docs] def getPreviewData(self, accref): table = rsc.makeData(self.sdmDD, forceSource={ "accref": accref}).getPrimaryTable() data = [(r[self.spectralColumn], r[self.fluxColumn]) for r in table.rows] data.sort() return self.get2DPlot(data, self.linearFluxes, self.connectPoints)
[docs]def procmain(processorClass, rdId, ddId): """The "standard" main function for processor scripts. The function returns the instantiated processor so you can communicate from your processor back to your own main. See :dachsdoc:`processors.html` for details. """ import optparse from gavo import rscdesc #noflake: for registration rd = base.caches.getRD(rdId) dd = rd.getById(ddId) parser = optparse.OptionParser() processorClass.addOptions(parser) opts, args = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.print_help(file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opts.beVerbose: from gavo.user import logui logui.LoggingUI(base.ui) base.DEBUG = True proc = processorClass(opts, dd) processed, ignored = proc.processAll() print("%s files processed, %s files with errors"%(processed, ignored)) return proc