A simple client of OAI-http.
This includes both some high-level functions and rudimentary parsers
that can serve as bases for more specialized parsers.
#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <gavo@ari.uni-heidelberg.de>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL. See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.
import io
import hashlib
import os
import pickle
import re
import urllib.parse
from xml import sax
from xml.sax import saxutils
from gavo import base
from gavo import utils
[docs]class FailedQuery(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, code="?", value="?"):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
self.code, self.value = code, value
[docs]class NoRecordsMatch(Exception):
[docs]class PrefixIsTaken(Exception):
# Canonical prefixes, i.e., essentially fixed prefixes for certain
# namespaces. This is all an ugly nightmare, but this is what you
# get for having namespace prefixes in attributes.
[docs]class CanonicalPrefixes(object):
"""a self-persisting dictionary of the prefixes we use in our
OAI interface.
CanonicalPrefixes objects are constructed with the name of a
pickle file containing a list of (prefix, uri) pairs.
This reproduces some code from stanxml.NSRegistry, but we want that
stuff as instance method here, not as class method.
def __init__(self, pickleName):
self.pickleName = pickleName
self._registry = {}
self._reverseRegistry = {}
[docs] def registerPrefix(self, prefix, ns, save=True):
if prefix in self._registry:
if ns!=self._registry[prefix]:
raise PrefixIsTaken(prefix)
self._registry[prefix] = ns
if ns in self._reverseRegistry and self._reverseRegistry[ns]!=prefix:
raise ValueError("Namespace %s already has prefix %s, will"
" not clobber with %s"%(ns, self._reverseRegistry[ns], prefix))
self._reverseRegistry[ns] = prefix
if save:
[docs] def registerPrefixOrMakeUp(self, prefix, ns):
"""registers prefix for ns or, if prefix is already taken, makes
up a new prefix for the namespace URI ns.
self.registerPrefix(prefix, ns)
except PrefixIsTaken:
origPrefix, uniquer = prefix, 0
while True:
prefix = origPrefix+str(uniquer)
self.registerPrefix(prefix, ns)
except PrefixIsTaken:
uniquer += 1
[docs] def getPrefixForNS(self, ns):
return self._reverseRegistry[ns]
except KeyError:
raise base.NotFoundError(ns, "XML namespace",
"registry of XML namespaces.")
[docs] def haveNS(self, ns):
return ns in self._reverseRegistry
[docs] def getNSForPrefix(self, prefix):
return self._registry[prefix]
except KeyError:
raise base.NotFoundError(prefix, "XML namespace prefix",
"registry of prefixes.")
[docs] def iterNS(self):
return iter(self._registry.items())
def _fillFromPairs(self, pairs):
"""fills the instance from a list of prefix, uri pairs.
Pairs is what is stored in the pickle.
for prefix, uri in pairs:
self.registerPrefix(prefix, uri, save=False)
def _bootstrap(self):
"""sets up our canonical prefixes from DaCHS' (stanxml) namespace
from gavo import api #noflake: hope most prefixes are registered after that
from gavo.utils import stanxml
def _loadData(self):
with open(self.pickleName, "rb") as f:
except IOError: # most likely, the file does not exist yet
base.ui.notifyWarning("Starting new canonical prefixes")
def _saveData(self):
toPersist = list(sorted(self._registry.items()))
with open(self.pickleName+".tmp", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(toPersist, f)
os.rename(self.pickleName+".tmp", self.pickleName)
except IOError as msg:
base.ui.notifyWarning("Could not persist canonical prefixes: %s"%
[docs]def getCanonicalPrefixes():
return CanonicalPrefixes(os.path.join(base.getConfig("cacheDir"),
[docs]class OAIErrorMixin(object):
def _end_error(self, name, attrs, content):
if attrs["code"]=="noRecordsMatch":
raise NoRecordsMatch()
raise FailedQuery("Registry bailed with code %s, value %s"%(
attrs["code"], content), attrs["code"], content)
[docs]class IdParser(utils.StartEndHandler, OAIErrorMixin):
"""A parser for simple OAI-PMH headers.
Records end up as a list of dictionaries in the recs attribute.
resumptionToken = None
def __init__(self, initRecs=None):
if initRecs is None:
self.recs = []
self.recs = initRecs
[docs] def getResult(self):
return self.recs
def _end_identifier(self, name, attrs, content):
self.recs[-1]["id"] = content.strip()
def _end_datestamp(self, name, attrs, content):
self.recs[-1]["date"] = utils.parseISODT(content)
except ValueError: # don't fail just because of a broken date
self.recs[-1]["date"] = None
def _start_header(self, name, attrs):
def _end_resumptionToken(self, name, attrs, content):
if content.strip():
self.resumptionToken = content
[docs]class RecordParser(IdParser, OAIErrorMixin):
"""A simple parser for ivo_vor records.
This only pulls out a number of the most salient items; more will
probably follow as needed.
def _end_title(self, name, attrs, content):
if self.getParentTag()=="Resource":
self.recs[-1][name] = content
def _end_email(self, name, attrs, content):
if self.getParentTag()=="contact":
self.recs[-1]["contact.email"] = content
def _end_name(self, name, attrs, content):
if self.getParentTag()=="creator":
self.recs[-1].setdefault(name, []).append(content)
def _end_subject(self, name, attrs, content):
self.recs[-1].setdefault(name, []).append(content)
def _handleContentChild(self, name, attrs, content):
if self.getParentTag()=="content":
self.recs[-1][name] = content
_end_description = _end_source = _end_referenceURL = \
def _end_datestamp(self, name, attrs, content):
# nuke IdParser implementation, we take our date from ri:Resource
def _startResource(self, name, attrs):
def _end_Resource(self, name, attrs, content):
self.recs[-1]["date"] = utils.parseISODT(attrs["updated"])
def _end_accessURL(self, name, attrs, content):
self.recs[-1].setdefault(name, []).append(content)
[docs]class OAIRecordsParser(sax.ContentHandler, OAIErrorMixin):
"""a SAX ContentHandler generating tuples of some record-level metadata
and pre-formatted XML of simple implementation of the OAI interface.
canonicalPrefixes is a CanonicalPrefixesInstance built from
Note that we *require* that records actually carry ivo_vor metadata.
Note that this is nothing people should need in normal operation.
GAVO Heidelberg needs this for infrastructure services
(including OAI on RegTAP, but we needed it beyond that).
# attribute names the values of which should be disambiguated to
# reduce the likelihood of clashes when ids are reused between documents.
# (see _normalizeAttrs)
_referringAttributeNames = set(["id", "ref",
resumptionToken = None
def __init__(self, canonicalPrefixes=None):
self.canonicalPrefixes = canonicalPrefixes or getCanonicalPrefixes()
self.buffer = None
self.writer = None
self.rowdicts = []
self.prefixMap = {}
self.prefixesToTranslate = {}
[docs] def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri):
self.prefixMap.setdefault(prefix, []).append(uri)
if prefix:
# Here, we make sure we find a globally unique prefix for every
# namespace URI. canonicalPrefixes makes sure this unique prefix
# is persistent and later available to the OAI interface
if not self.canonicalPrefixes.haveNS(uri):
self.canonicalPrefixes.registerPrefixOrMakeUp(prefix, uri)
canonPrefix = self.canonicalPrefixes.getPrefixForNS(uri)
if prefix!=canonPrefix or prefix in self.prefixesToTranslate:
self.prefixesToTranslate.setdefault(prefix, []).append(canonPrefix)
[docs] def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix):
if prefix in self.prefixesToTranslate:
if not self.prefixesToTranslate[prefix]:
del self.prefixesToTranslate[prefix]
[docs] def startElementNS(self, namePair, ignored, attrs):
ns, name = namePair
if ns is not None:
name = self.canonicalPrefixes.getPrefixForNS(ns)+":"+name
if attrs:
attrs = self._normalizeAttrs(attrs)
if name in self.startHandlers:
self.startHandlers[name](self, name, attrs)
if self.writer:
self.writer.startElement(name, attrs)
self._lastChars = []
[docs] def endElementNS(self, namePair, name):
ns, name = namePair
if ns is not None:
name = self.canonicalPrefixes.getPrefixForNS(ns)+":"+name
if self.writer:
if name in self.endHandlers:
self.endHandlers[name](self, name)
[docs] def characters(self, stuff):
if self.writer:
# Hack, see _getLastContent
[docs] def normalizeNamespace(self, name):
"""fixes the namespace prefix of name if necessary.
name must be a qualified name, i.e., contain exactly one colon.
"normalize" here means make sure the prefix matches our canonical prefix
and change it to the canonical one if necessary.
prefix, base = name.split(":")
if prefix not in self.prefixesToTranslate:
return name
return self.prefixesToTranslate[prefix][-1]+":"+base
def _normalizeAttrs(self, attrs):
"""fixes attribute name and attribute value namespaces if necessary.
It also always checks for xsi:type and fixes namespaced attribute
values as necessary.
See also normalizeNamespace.
newAttrs = {}
for ns, name in list(attrs.keys()):
value = attrs[(ns, name)]
if ns is None:
newName = name
newName = self.canonicalPrefixes.getPrefixForNS(ns)+":"+name
if newName=="xsi:type":
if ":" in value:
value = self.normalizeNamespace(value)
# to uniqueify id/ref-pairs, prepend an md5-digest of the ivoid
# to selected ids. This isn't guaranteed to always work, but
# if someone is devious enough to cause collisions here, they
# deserve no better.
if newName in self._referringAttributeNames:
value = value+hashlib.md5(self.ivoid.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
newAttrs[newName] = value
return newAttrs
def _getLastContent(self):
"""returns the entire character content since the last XML event.
return "".join(self._lastChars)
[docs] def notifyError(self, err):
self._errorOccurred = True
[docs] def shipout(self, role, record):
# see _end_identifier for an explanation of the following condition
if self.ivoid is None:
# see our docstring on why we need the following
if not self.metadataSeen:
if self._errorOccurred:
# _start_header sets _isDeleted
if self._isDeleted:
self.rowdicts.append((role, record))
def _start_oai_header(self, name, attrs):
self._isDeleted = attrs.get("status", "").lower()=="deleted"
def _start_oai_record(self, name, attrs):
self._errorOccurred = False
self.curXML = io.BytesIO()
self.writer = saxutils.XMLGenerator(self.curXML, "utf-8")
self.ivoid, self.updated = None, None
self.metadataSeen = False
self.oaiSets = set()
def _start_ri_Resource(self, anme, attrs):
self.metadataSeen = True
def _end_oai_record(self, name):
if self.writer is not None:
# yeah, we decode the serialized result right away; it's easier
# to store character streams in the DB the way I'm doing things.
oaixml = self.curXML.getvalue().decode("utf-8")
# unfortunately, XMLGenerator insists on adding an XML declaration,
# which I can't have here. I remove it manually
if oaixml.startswith("<?xml"):
oaixml = oaixml[oaixml.index("?>")+2:]
self.shipout("oairecs", {
"ivoid": self.ivoid,
"updated": self.updated,
"oaixml": oaixml})
self.writer = None
self.curXML = None
def _end_oai_setSpec(self, name):
def _end_oai_identifier(self, name):
self.ivoid = self._getLastContent().lower().strip()
def _end_oai_resumptionToken(self, name):
self.resumptionToken = self._getLastContent()
def _start_oai_error(self, name, attrs):
self._errorAttrs = attrs
def _end_oai_error(self, name):
self._end_error(name, self._errorAttrs, self._getLastContent())
[docs] def getResult(self):
return self.rowdicts
startHandlers = {
"oai:record": _start_oai_record,
"oai:header": _start_oai_header,
"ri:Resource": _start_ri_Resource,
"oai:error": _start_oai_error,
endHandlers = {
"oai:record": _end_oai_record,
"oai:setSpec": _end_oai_setSpec,
"oai:resumptionToken": _end_oai_resumptionToken,
"oai:identifier": _end_oai_identifier,
"oai:error": _end_oai_error,
[docs]class ServerProperties(object):
"""A container for what an OAI-PMH server gives in response to
repositoryName = None
baseURL = None
protocolVersion = None
adminEmails = ()
earliestDatestamp = None
deletedRecord = None
granularity = None
repositoryName = None
compressions = ()
def __init__(self):
self.adminEmails = []
self.compressions = []
self.descriptions = []
[docs] def set(self, name, value):
setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def add(self, name, value):
getattr(self, name).append(value)
[docs]class IdentifyParser(utils.StartEndHandler, OAIErrorMixin):
"""A parser for the result of the identify operation.
The result (an instance of ServerProperties) is in the serverProperties
resumptionToken = None
serverProperties = None
[docs] def getResult(self):
if not self.serverProperties:
raise FailedQuery("Identify request did not contain an Identify"
" element")
return self.serverProperties
def _start_Identify(self, name, attrs):
self.serverProperties = ServerProperties()
def _endListThing(self, name, attrs, content):
self.serverProperties.add(name+"s", content.strip())
_end_adminEmail = _end_compression \
= _endListThing
def _endStringThing(self, name, attrs, content):
self.serverProperties.set(name, content.strip())
_end_repositoryName = _end_baseURL = _end_protocolVersion \
= _end_granularity = _end_deletedRecord = _end_earliestDatestamp \
= _end_repositoryName = _endStringThing
[docs]class OAIQuery(object):
"""A container for queries to OAI interfaces.
Construct it with the oai endpoint and the OAI verb, plus some optional
query attributes. If you want to retain or access the raw responses
of the server, pass a contentCallback function -- it will be called
with a byte string containing the payload of the server response if
it was parsed successfully. Error responses cannot be obtained in
this way.
The OAIQuery is constructed with OAI-PMH parameters (verb, startDate,
endDate, set, metadataPrefix; see the OAI-PMH docs for what they mean,
only verb is mandatory). In addition, you can pass granularity,
which is the granularity
startDate = None
endDate = None
set = None
registry = None
metadataPrefix = None
# maxRecords is mainly used in test_oai; that's why there's no
# constructor parameter for it
maxRecords = None
# a timeout on HTTP operations
timeout = 100
def __init__(self, registry, verb, startDate=None, endDate=None, set=None,
metadataPrefix="ivo_vor", identifier=None, contentCallback=None,
self.registry = registry
self.verb, self.set = verb, set
self.startDate, self.endDate = startDate, endDate
self.identifier = identifier
self.metadataPrefix = metadataPrefix
self.contentCallback = contentCallback
self.granularity = granularity
if not self.granularity:
self.granularity = "YYYY-MM-DD"
[docs] def getKWs(self, **moreArgs):
"""returns a dictionary containing query keywords for OAI interfaces
from what's specified on the command line.
kws = {"verb": self.verb}
if self.metadataPrefix:
kws["metadataPrefix"] = self.metadataPrefix
if self.granularity=='YY-MM-DD':
dateFormat = "%Y-%m-%d"
dateFormat = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
if self.startDate:
kws["from"] = self.startDate.strftime(dateFormat)
if self.endDate:
kws["until"] = self.endDate.strftime(dateFormat)
if self.set:
kws["set"] = self.set
if self.maxRecords:
kws["maxRecords"] = str(self.maxRecords)
if self.identifier:
kws["identifier"] = self.identifier
if "resumptionToken" in kws:
kws = {"resumptionToken": kws["resumptionToken"],
"verb": kws["verb"]}
return kws
[docs] def doHTTP(self, **moreArgs):
"""returns the result of parsing the current query plus
moreArgs to the current registry.
The result is returned as a string.
srcURL = self.registry.rstrip("?"
base.ui.notifyInfo("OAI query %s"%srcURL)
f = utils.urlopenRemote(srcURL, timeout=self.timeout)
res = f.read()
return res
def _getOpQS(self, **args):
"""returns a properly quoted HTTP query part from its (keyword) arguments.
# we don't use urllib.urlencode to not encode empty values like a=&b=val
qString = "&".join("%s=%s"%(k, urllib.parse.quote(v))
for k, v in args.items() if v)
return "%s"%(qString)
[docs] def talkOAI(self, parserClass):
"""processes an OAI dialogue for verb using the IdParser-derived
res = self.doHTTP(verb=self.verb)
if not res.strip():
# empty reply is not admissible XML here
raise FailedQuery("Empty HTTP response")
handler = parserClass()
xmlReader = sax.make_parser()
xmlReader.setFeature(sax.handler.feature_namespaces, True)
if self.contentCallback:
except NoRecordsMatch:
return []
oaiResult = handler.getResult()
while handler.resumptionToken is not None:
resumptionToken = handler.resumptionToken
handler = parserClass(oaiResult)
res = self.doHTTP(verb=self.verb,
sax.parseString(res, handler)
if self.contentCallback:
except NoRecordsMatch:
return oaiResult
[docs]def getIdentifiers(registry, startDate=None, endDate=None, set=None,
"""returns a list of "short" records for what's in the registry specified
by args.
q = OAIQuery(registry, verb="ListIdentifiers", startDate=startDate,
endDate=endDate, set=set)
return q.talkOAI(IdParser)
[docs]def getRecords(registry, startDate=None, endDate=None, set=None,
"""returns a list of "long" records for what's in the registry specified
by args.
parser should be a subclass of RecordParser; otherwise, you'll miss
resumption and possibly other features.
q = OAIQuery(registry, verb="ListRecords", startDate=startDate,
endDate=endDate, set=set, granularity=granularity)
return q.talkOAI(RecordParser)
def _addCanonicalNSDecls(xmlLiteral):
"""adds XML namespace declarations for namespace prefixes we
suspect in xmlLiteral.
This is an ugly hack based on REs necessary because in the OAIRecordsParser
we discard the namespace declarations. It won't work with CDATA
sections, and it'll make a hash of things if namespace declarations are
already present. However, for the use case of making the mutilated
resource records coming out of the OAIRecordsParser valid, it will just
Without an XML schema and a full parse (which of course is impossible
without the necessary declarations), this is, really, not possible. But
the whole idea of canonical namespace prefixes is a mess, and so we
hack along; in particular, we accept any string of the form \w+: within
what looks like an XML tag as a namespace. Oh my.
prefixesUsed = set()
for elementContent in re.finditer("<[^>]+>", xmlLiteral):
prefixesUsed |= set(re.findall("([a-zA-Z_-][\w-]*):[a-zA-Z_]",
cp = getCanonicalPrefixes()
nsDecls = " ".join('xmlns:%s=%s'%(
pref, utils.escapeAttrVal(cp.getNSForPrefix(pref)))
for pref in prefixesUsed)
return re.sub("<([\w:-]+)", r"<\1 "+nsDecls, xmlLiteral, 1)
[docs]def getRecord(registry, identifier):
"""returns the XML form of an OAI-PMH record for identifier from
the OAI-PMH endpoint at URL registry.
This uses the OAIRecordsParser which enforces canonical prefixes,
and the function will add their declarations as necessary. This also means
that evil registry records could be broken by us.
q = OAIQuery(registry, verb="GetRecord", identifier=identifier)
res = q.talkOAI(OAIRecordsParser)
dest, row = res[0]
assert dest=='oairecs'
return _addCanonicalNSDecls(row["oaixml"])
[docs]def parseRecord(recordXML):
"""returns some main properties from an XML-encoded VOResource record.
recordXML can be an OAI-PMH response or just a naked record. If multiple
records are contained in recordXML, only the first will be returned.
What's coming back is a dictionary as produced by RecordParser.
handler = RecordParser()
sax.parseString(recordXML, handler)
return handler.recs[0]
[docs]def getServerProperties(registry):
"""returns a ServerProperties instance for registry.
In particular, you can retrieve the granularity argument that
actually matches the registry from the result's granularity attribute.
q = OAIQuery(registry, verb="Identify", metadataPrefix=None)
return q.talkOAI(IdentifyParser)