Source code for gavo.protocols.products

Products  and a core turning accrefs into lists of products.

There is a substantial overlap between what's going on there and datalink
(and datalink uses some of the products mentioned here).  The cutouts
and scale things here shouldn't be developed on, all this should
move towards datalink.  Meanwhile, we still have siapCutoutCore and
friends that relies on the mess here, so all this is going to remain
for the foreseeable future.  Just don't extend it.

The "user-visible" part are just accrefs, as modelled by the RAccref
-- they can contain instructions for cutouts or scaling, hence the additional

Using the product table and some logic in this module, such accrefs
are turned into subclasses of ProductBase.

These have mime types and know how to generate their data through their
synchronous iterData methods.  They must also work as t.w resources and thus
have implement asynchronuous render(request) methods.  It's a bit unfortunate
that we thus depend on t.w here, but we'd have to reimplement quite a bit of
it if we don't, and for now it doesn't seem we'll support a different framework
in the foreseeable future.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

import datetime
import gzip
import functools
import re
import os
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import urllib.parse
from io import BytesIO

import numpy

from PIL import Image

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet import threads
from twisted.web import http
from twisted.web import static

from gavo import base
from gavo import rscdef
from gavo import svcs
from gavo import utils
from gavo.base import coords
from gavo.protocols import creds
from gavo.svcs import streaming
from gavo.utils import imgtools
from gavo.utils import fitstools
from gavo.utils import pyfits

# TODO: make this configurable -- globally?  by service?

PRODUCTS_TDID = "//products#products"

REMOTE_URL_PATTERN = re.compile("(https?|ftp)://")

MS = base.makeStruct

[docs]def makePreviewFromFITS(product): """returns image/jpeg bytes for a preview of a product spitting out a 2D FITS. """ if hasattr(product, "getFile"): # hack to preserve no-so-well-thought out existing functionality if product.rAccref.accref.endswith(".gz"): inFile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=product.getFile()) else: inFile = product.getFile() with utils.fitsLock(): pixels = numpy.array([row for row in fitstools.iterScaledRows(inFile, destSize=PREVIEW_SIZE)]) else: raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Fix fitstools.iterScaledRows" " to be more accommodating to weird things") return imgtools.jpegFromNumpyArray(pixels)
[docs]def makePreviewWithPIL(product): """returns image/jpeg bytes for a preview of the PIL-readable product. """ # TODO: Teach products to at least accept seek(0) and directly read from # them; at least make read(None) work properly fullsize = BytesIO( im = scale = max(im.size)/float(PREVIEW_SIZE) resized = im.resize(( int(im.size[0]/scale), int(im.size[1]/scale))) f = BytesIO(), format="jpeg") return f.getvalue()
_PIL_COMPATIBLE_MIMES = frozenset(['image/jpeg', 'image/png'])
[docs]def computePreviewFor(product): """returns a deferred returning image/jpeg bytes containing a preview of product. This only works for a select subset of products. You're usually better off using static previews. This will raise a DataError if it doesn't know how to make a preview. """ if hasattr(product, "makePreview"): return threads.deferToThread(product.makePreview) sourceMime =["mime"] if sourceMime=='image/fits': return threads.deferToThread(makePreviewFromFITS, product) elif sourceMime in _PIL_COMPATIBLE_MIMES: return threads.deferToThread(makePreviewWithPIL, product) else: raise base.DataError("Cannot make automatic preview for %s"% sourceMime)
[docs]class PreviewCacheManager(object): """is a class that manages the preview cache. It's really the class that manages it, so don't bother creating instances. The normal operation is that you pass the product you want a preview to getPreviewFor. If a cached preview already exists, you get back its content (the mime type must be taken from the products table). If the file does not exist yet, some internal magic tries to come up with a preview and determines whether it should be cached, in which case it does so provided a preview has been generated successfully. A cache file is touched when it is used, so you can clean up rarely used cache files by deleting all files in the preview cache older than some limit. """ cachePath = base.getConfig("web", "previewCache")
[docs] @classmethod def getCacheName(cls, accref): """returns the full path a preview for accref is be stored under. """ return os.path.join(cls.cachePath, rscdef.getFlatName(accref))
[docs] @classmethod def getCachedPreviewPath(cls, accref): """returns the path to a cached preview if it exists, None otherwise. """ cacheName = cls.getCacheName(accref) if os.path.exists(cacheName): return cacheName return None
[docs] @classmethod def saveToCache(self, data, cacheName): try: with open(cacheName, "wb") as f: f.write(data) except IOError: # caching failed, don't care pass return data
[docs] @classmethod def getPreviewFor(cls, product): """returns a deferred firing the data for a preview. This will raise a DataError if it doesn't know how to make the preview. """ if not product.rAccref.previewIsCacheable(): return computePreviewFor(product) accref = product.rAccref.accref cacheName = cls.getCacheName(accref) if os.path.exists(cacheName): # Cache hit try: os.utime(cacheName, None) except os.error: pass # don't fail just because we can't touch with open(cacheName, "rb") as f: return defer.succeed( else: # Cache miss return computePreviewFor(product ).addCallback(cls.saveToCache, cacheName)
[docs]class ProductBase(object): """A base class for products returned by the product core. See the module docstring for the big picture. The constructor arguments of RAccrefs depend on what they are. The common interface is the the class method fromRAccref(rAccref, authGroups=None). It returns None if the RAccref is not for a product of the respective sort, the product otherwise. authGroups is a set of groups authorised for the user when controlling access to embargoed products. This is the main reason you should never hand out products yourself but always expose the to the user through the product core. The actual constructor requires a RAccref, which is exposed as the rAccref attribute. Do not use the productsRow attribute from rAccref, though, as constructors may want to manipulate the content of the product row (e.g., in NonExistingProduct). Access the product row as in product classes. In addition to those, all Products have a name attribute, which must be something suitable as a file name; the default constructor calls a _makeName method to come up with one, and you should simply override it. The iterData method has to yield reasonably-sized chunks of data (self.chunkSize should be a good choice). It must be synchronous. Products usually are used as t.w resources. Therefore, they must have a render method. This must be asynchronuous, i.e., it should not block for extended periods of time. Products also work as rudimentary files via read and close methods; by default, these are implemented on top of iterData. Clients must never mix calls to the file interface and to iterData. Derived classes that are based on actual files should set up optimized read and close methods using the setupRealFile class method (look for the getFile method on the instance to see if there's a real file). Again, the assumption is made there that clients use either iterData or read, but never both. If a product knows how to (quickly) generate a preview for itself, it can define a makePreview() method. This must return content for a mime type conventional for that kind of product (which is laid down in the products table). """ chunkSize = 2**16 _curIterator = None def __init__(self, rAccref): # If you change things here, change NonExistingProduct's constructor # as well. self.rAccref = rAccref = self.rAccref.productsRow self._makeName() def _makeName(self): = "invalid product" def __str__(self): return "<%s %s (%s)>"%(self.__class__.__name__,,["mime"]) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.rAccref==other.rAccref) def __ne__(self, other): return not self==other
[docs] @classmethod def fromRAccref(self, accref, authGroups=None): return None # ProductBase is not responsible for anything.
[docs] @classmethod def setupRealFile(cls, openMethod): """changes cls such that read and close work an an actual file-like object rather than the inefficient iterData. openMethod has to be an instance method of the class returning an opened input file. """ cls._openedInputFile = None def getFileMethod(self): return openMethod(self) def readMethod(self, size=None): if self._openedInputFile is None: self._openedInputFile = openMethod(self) return def closeMethod(self): if self._openedInputFile is not None: self._openedInputFile.close() self._openedInputFile = None = readMethod cls.close = closeMethod cls.getFile = getFileMethod
[docs] def iterData(self): raise NotImplementedError("Internal error: %s products do not" " implement iterData"%self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def render(self, request): raise NotImplementedError("Internal error: %s products cannot be" " rendered."%self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def read(self, size=None): if self._curIterator is None: self._curIterator = self.iterData() self._readBuf, self._curSize = [], 0 while size is None or self._curSize<size: try: chunk = next(self._curIterator) except StopIteration: break self._readBuf.append(chunk) self._curSize += len(chunk) content = b"".join(self._readBuf) if size is None: self._readBuf, self._curSize = [], 0 result = content else: result = content[:size] self._readBuf = [content[size:]] self._curSize = len(self._readBuf[0]) return result
[docs] def close(self): for _ in self.iterData(): pass self._curIterator = None
[docs]class FileProduct(ProductBase): """A product corresponding to a local file. As long as the accessPath in the RAccref's productsRow corresponds to a real file and no params are in the RAccref, this will return a product. """ forSaving = True
[docs] @classmethod def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None): if set(rAccref.params)-set(["preview"]): # not a plain file return None if os.path.exists(rAccref.localpath): return cls(rAccref)
def _makeName(self): = os.path.basename(self.rAccref.localpath) def _openUnderlyingFile(self): return open(self.rAccref.localpath, "rb")
[docs] def iterData(self): with self._openUnderlyingFile() as f: data = if not data: return yield data
[docs] def render(self, request): if self.forSaving: request.setHeader("content-disposition", 'attachment; filename="%s"'% str( if request.setLastModified(os.path.getmtime(self.rAccref.localpath) )==http.CACHED: request.finish() return res = static.File(self.rAccref.localpath) # we set the type manually to avoid having different mime types # by our and t.w's estimate. This forces us to clamp encoding # to None now. I *guess* we should do something about .gz and .bz2 res.type = str(["mime"]) res.encoding = None return res.render(request)
[docs]class StaticPreview(FileProduct): """A product that's a cached or pre-computed preview. """ forSaving = False
[docs] @classmethod def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None): if not rAccref.params.get("preview"): return None # no static previews on cutouts if rAccref.params.get("sra"): return None previewPath = rAccref.productsRow["preview"] localName = None if previewPath is None: return None elif previewPath=="AUTO": localName = PreviewCacheManager.getCachedPreviewPath(rAccref.accref) else: # remote URLs can't happen here as RemotePreview is checked # before us. localName = os.path.join(base.getConfig("inputsDir"), previewPath) if localName is None: return None elif os.path.exists(localName): rAccref.productsRow["accessPath"] = localName rAccref.productsRow["mime"] = rAccref.productsRow["preview_mime" ] or "image/jpeg" return cls(rAccref)
[docs]class RemoteProduct(ProductBase): """A class for products at remote sites, given by their URL. """ def _makeName(self): = urllib.parse.urlparse(["accessPath"] ).path.split("/")[-1] or "file" def __str__(self): return "<Remote %s at %s>"%(["mime"],["accessPath"])
[docs] @classmethod def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None): if REMOTE_URL_PATTERN.match(rAccref.productsRow["accessPath"]): return cls(rAccref)
[docs] @classmethod def fromURL(cls, url): class rAccref: productsRow = {"accessPath": url} return cls(rAccref)
[docs] def iterData(self): f = urllib.request.urlopen(["accessPath"]) while True: data = if not data: break yield data
[docs] def render(self, request): raise svcs.WebRedirect(["accessPath"])
[docs]class RemotePreview(RemoteProduct): """A preview that's on a remote server. """
[docs] @classmethod def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None): if not rAccref.params.get("preview"): return None # no static previews on cutouts if rAccref.params.get("sra"): return None if REMOTE_URL_PATTERN.match(rAccref.productsRow["preview"] or ""): rAccref.productsRow["accessPath"] = rAccref.productsRow["preview"] rAccref.productsRow["mime"] = rAccref.productsRow["preview_mime"] return cls(rAccref)
[docs]class UnauthorizedProduct(FileProduct): """A local file that is not delivered to the current client. iterData returns the data for the benefit of preview making. However, there is a render method, so the product renderer will not use it; it will, instead, raise an Authenticate exception. """ forSaving = False
[docs] @classmethod def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None): dbRow = rAccref.productsRow if (dbRow["embargo"] is None or dbRow["embargo"]< return None if authGroups is None or dbRow["owner"] not in authGroups: return cls(rAccref)
def __str__(self): return "<Protected product %s, access denied>" def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__==other.__class__
[docs] def render(self, request): raise svcs.Authenticate()
[docs]class NonExistingProduct(ProductBase): """A local file that went away. iterData here raises an IOError, render an UnknownURI. These should normally yield 404s. We don't immediately raise some error here as archive generation shouldn't fail just because a single part of it is missing. """ def __init__(self, rAccref): # as rAccref.productsRow is bad here, don't call the base constructor self.rAccref = rAccref = { 'accessPath': None, 'accref': None, 'embargo': None, 'owner': None, 'mime': 'text/html', 'sourceTable': None, 'datalink': None, 'preview': None} def __str__(self): return "<Non-existing product %s>"%self.rAccref.accref def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__==other.__class__
[docs] @classmethod def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None): try: rAccref.productsRow except base.NotFoundError: return cls(rAccref)
def _makeName(self): = "missing.html"
[docs] def iterData(self): raise IOError("%s does not exist"%self.rAccref.accref)
[docs] def render(self, request): raise svcs.UnknownURI("No dataset with accref %s known here."% self.rAccref.accref)
[docs]class InvalidProduct(NonExistingProduct): """An invalid file. This is returned by getProductForRAccref if all else fails. This usually happens when a file known to the products table is deleted, but it could also be an attempt to use unsupported combinations of files and parameters. Since any situation leading here is a bit weird, we probably should be doing something else but just return a 404. Hm... This class always returns an instance from fromRAccref; this means any resolution chain ends with it. But it shouldn't be in PRODUCT_CLASSES in the first place since the fallback is hardcoded into getProductForRAccref. """ def __str__(self): return "<Invalid product %s>"%self.rAccref
[docs] @classmethod def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None): return cls(rAccref)
def _makeName(self): = "invalid.html"
[docs] def iterData(self): raise IOError("%s is invalid"%self.rAccref)
[docs]class CutoutProduct(ProductBase): """A class representing cutouts from FITS files. This only works for local FITS files with two axes. For everything else, use datalink. We assume the cutouts are smallish -- they are, right now, not streamed, but accumulated in memory. """ def _makeName(self): = "<cutout-"+os.path.basename(["accessPath"]) def __str__(self): return "<cutout-%s %s>"%(, self.rAccref.params) _myKeys = ["ra", "dec", "sra", "sdec"] _myKeySet = frozenset(_myKeys)
[docs] @classmethod def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None): if (len(set(rAccref.params.keys())&cls._myKeySet)==4 and rAccref.productsRow["mime"]=="image/fits"): return cls(rAccref)
def _getCutoutHDU(self): ra, dec, sra, sdec = [self.rAccref.params[k] for k in self._myKeys] with utils.fitsLock(): hdus =, do_not_scale_image_data=True, memmap=True) try: skyWCS = coords.getWCS(hdus[0].header) pixelFootprint = numpy.asarray( numpy.round(skyWCS.wcs_world2pix([ (ra-sra/2., dec-sdec/2.), (ra+sra/2., dec+sdec/2.)], 1)), numpy.int32) res = fitstools.cutoutFITS(hdus[0], (skyWCS.longAxis, min(pixelFootprint[:,0]), max(pixelFootprint[:,0])), (skyWCS.latAxis, min(pixelFootprint[:,1]), max(pixelFootprint[:,1]))) finally: hdus.close() return res
[docs] def iterData(self): # we need to write into a BytesIO (rather than to request) because # pyfits wants to seek res = self._getCutoutHDU() bytes = BytesIO() res.writeto(bytes) while True: res = if not res: break yield res
def _writeStuffTo(self, destF): for chunk in self.iterData(): destF.write(chunk)
[docs] def render(self, request): request.setHeader("content-type", "image/fits") return streaming.streamOut(self._writeStuffTo, request)
[docs] def makePreview(self): img = imgtools.scaleNumpyArray(self._getCutoutHDU().data, PREVIEW_SIZE) return imgtools.jpegFromNumpyArray(img)
[docs]class ScaledFITSProduct(ProductBase): """A class representing a scaled FITS file. Right now, this only works for local FITS files. Still, the class is constructed with a full rAccref. """ def __init__(self, rAccref): ProductBase.__init__(self, rAccref) self.scale = rAccref.params["scale"] self.baseAccref = rAccref.accref def __str__(self): return "<%s scaled by %s>"%(, self.scale)
[docs] @classmethod def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None): if ("scale" in rAccref.params and rAccref.productsRow["mime"]=="image/fits"): return cls(rAccref)
def _makeName(self): = "scaled-"+os.path.basename(["accref"])
[docs] def iterData(self): scale = int(self.scale) if scale<2: scale = 2 for stuff in fitstools.iterScaledBytes( self.rAccref.localpath, scale, extraCards={"FULLURL": str(makeProductLink(self.baseAccref))}): yield stuff
def _writeStuffTo(self, destF): for chunk in self.iterData(): destF.write(chunk)
[docs] def render(self, request): request.setHeader("content-type", "image/fits") return streaming.streamOut(self._writeStuffTo, request)
# The following list is checked by getProductForRAccref in sequence. # Each product is asked in turn, and the first that matches wins. # So, ORDER IS ALL-IMPORTANT here. PRODUCT_CLASSES = [ RemotePreview, StaticPreview, NonExistingProduct, UnauthorizedProduct, RemoteProduct, CutoutProduct, ScaledFITSProduct, FileProduct, ]
[docs]def getProductForRAccref(rAccref, authGroups=None): """returns a product for a RAccref. This tries, in sequence, to make a product using each element of PRODUCT_CLASSES' fromRAccref method. If nothing succeeds, it will return an InvalidProduct. If rAccref is a string, the function makes a real RAccref through RAccref's fromString method from it. """ if not isinstance(rAccref, RAccref): rAccref = RAccref.fromString(rAccref) for prodClass in PRODUCT_CLASSES: res = prodClass.fromRAccref(rAccref, authGroups) if res is not None: return res return InvalidProduct.fromRAccref(rAccref, authGroups)
[docs]class ProductCore(svcs.DBCore): """A core retrieving paths and/or data from the product table. You will not usually mention this core in your RDs. It is mainly used internally to serve /getproduct queries. It is instantiated from within //products.rd and relies on tables within that RD. The input data consists of accref; you can use the string form of RAccrefs, and if you renderer wants, it can pass in ready-made RAccrefs. You can pass accrefs in through both an accref param and table rows. The accref param is the normal way if you just want to retrieve a single image, the table case is for building tar files and such. There is one core instance in //products for each case. The core returns a list of instances of a subclass of ProductBase above. This core and its supporting machinery handles all the fancy product functionality (user authorization, cutouts, ...). """ name_ = "productCore" def _getRAccrefs(self, inputTable): """returns a list of RAccref requested within inputTable. """ keys = [] args = inputTable.args if args["accref"]: keys.extend(RAccref.fromString(a) for a in args["accref"]) if args.get("pattern"): try: tablepat, filepat = args["pattern"].split("#") except ValueError: raise base.ValidationError( "Must be of the form tablepattern#filepattern", "pattern") with base.getTableConn() as conn: for row in conn.queryToDicts( "SELECT accref FROM dc.products" " WHERE" " accref LIKE %(filepat)s" " AND sourceTable LIKE %(tablepat)s", {"filepat": filepat, "tablepat": tablepat}): keys.append(RAccref.fromString(row["accref"])) return keys def _getGroups(self, user, password): if user is None: return set() else: return creds.getGroupsForUser(user, password)
[docs] def run(self, service, inputTable, queryMeta): """returns a list of {"source": product} dicts for products matching the inputTable. """ authGroups = self._getGroups(queryMeta["user"], queryMeta["password"]) return [getProductForRAccref(r, authGroups) for r in self._getRAccrefs(inputTable)]
[docs]class RAccref(object): """A product key including possible modifiers. The product key is in the accref attribute. The modifiers come in the params dictionary. It contains (typed) values, the possible keys of which are given in _buildKeys. The values in passed in the inputDict constructor argument are parsed, anything not in _buildKeys is discarded. In principle, these modifiers are just the query part of a URL, and they generally come from the arguments of a web request. However, we don't want to carry around all request args, just those meant for product generation. One major reason for having this class is serialization into URL-parts. Basically, stringifying a RAccref yields something that can be pasted to <server root>/getproduct to yield the product URL. For the path part, this means just percent-escaping blanks, plusses and percents in the file name. The parameters are urlencoded and appended with a question mark. This representation is be parsed by the fromString function. RAccrefs have a (read only) property productsRow attribute -- that's a dictionary containing the row for accres from //products#products if that exists. If it doesn't, accessing the property will raise an NotFoundError. """ _buildKeys = dict(( ("dm", str), # data model, VOTable generation ("ra", float), # cutouts ("dec", float), # cutouts ("sra", float), # cutouts ("sdec", float),# cutouts ("scale", int), # FITS scaling ("preview", base.parseBooleanLiteral), # return a preview? )) def __init__(self, accref, inputDict={}): self.accref = accref self.params = self._parseInputDict(inputDict)
[docs] @classmethod def fromPathAndArgs(cls, path, args): """returns a rich accref from a path and a parse_qs-dictionary args. (it's mainly a helper for fromRequest and fromString). """ inputDict = {} for key, value in args.items(): if len(value)>0: inputDict[key] = value[-1] # Save old URLs: if no (real) path was passed, try to get it # from key. Remove this ca. 2014, together with # RaccrefTest.(testPathFromKey|testKeyMandatory) if not path.strip("/").strip(): if "key" in inputDict: path = inputDict["key"] else: raise base.ValidationError( "Must give key when constructing RAccref", "accref") return cls(path, inputDict)
[docs] @classmethod def fromRequest(cls, path, request): """returns a rich accref from a t.w request. Basically, it raises an error if there's no key at all, it will return a (string) accref if no processing is desired, and it will return a RAccref if any processing is requested. """ return cls.fromPathAndArgs(path, request.strargs)
[docs] @classmethod def fromString(cls, keyString): """returns a fat product key from a string representation. As a convenience, if keyString already is a RAccref, it is returned unchanged. """ if isinstance(keyString, RAccref): return keyString qSep = keyString.rfind("?") if qSep!=-1: return cls.fromPathAndArgs( unquoteProductKey(keyString[:qSep]), urllib.parse.parse_qs(keyString[qSep+1:])) return cls(unquoteProductKey(keyString))
@property def productsRow(self): """returns the row in dc.products corresponding to this RAccref's accref, or raises a NotFoundError. """ try: return self._productsRowCache except AttributeError: res = base.resolveCrossId(PRODUCTS_TDID).doSimpleQuery( fragments="accref=%(accref)s", params={"accref": self.accref}) if not res: raise base.NotFoundError(self.accref, "accref", "product table", hint="Product URLs may disappear, though in general they should" " not. If you have an IVOID (pubDID) for the file you are trying to" " locate, you may still find it by querying the ivoa.obscore table" " using TAP and ADQL.") self._productsRowCache = res[0] # make sure whatever can end up being written to something # file-like for key in ["mime", "accessPath", "accref"]: self._productsRowCache[key] = str(self._productsRowCache[key]) return self._productsRowCache def __str__(self): # See the class docstring on quoting considerations. res = quoteProductKey(self.accref) args = urllib.parse.urlencode(dict( (k,str(v)) for k, v in sorted(self.params.items()))) if args: res = res+"?"+args return res def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, RAccref) and self.accref==other.accref and self.params==other.params) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def _parseInputDict(self, inputDict): res = {} for key, val in inputDict.items(): if val is not None and key in self._buildKeys: try: res[key] = self._buildKeys[key](val) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise base.ValidationError( "Invalid value for constructor argument to %s:" " %s=%r"%(self.__class__.__name__, key, val), "accref") return res @property def localpath(self): try: return self._localpathCache except AttributeError: self._localpathCache = os.path.join(base.getConfig("inputsDir"), self.productsRow["accessPath"]) return self._localpathCache
[docs] def previewIsCacheable(self): """returns True if the a preview generated for this rAccref is representative for all representative rAccrefs. Basically, scaled versions all have the same preview, cutouts do not. """ if "ra" in self.params: return False return True
[docs]def unquoteProductKey(key): """reverses quoteProductKey. """ return urllib.parse.unquote(key)
[docs]def getProductColumns(colSeq): """returns the columns within colSeq that contain product links of some sort. """ return [col for col in colSeq if col.displayHint.get("type")=="product"]
[docs]@utils.document def quoteProductKey(key): """returns key as getproduct URL-part. If ``key`` is a string, it is quoted as a naked accref so it's usable as the path part of an URL. If it's an ``RAccref``, it is just stringified. The result is something that can be used after getproduct in URLs in any case. """ if isinstance(key, RAccref): return str(key) return urllib.parse.quote(key)
rscdef.addProcDefObject("quoteProductKey", quoteProductKey) rscdef.addProcDefObject("makeProductLink", makeProductLink) def _productMapperFactory(colDesc): """A value mapper factory for product links. Within the DC, any column called accref, with a display hint of type=product, a UCD of VOX:Image_AccessReference, or a utype of Access.Reference may contain a key into the product table. Here, we map those to links to the get renderer unless they look like a URL to begin with. """ if not ( colDesc["utype"]=="ssa:Access.Reference" or colDesc["ucd"]=="VOX:Image_AccessReference" or colDesc["displayHint"].get("type")=="product"): return return functools.partial( formatProductLink, useHost=base.getCurrentServerURL()) utils.registerDefaultMF(_productMapperFactory)