Source code for gavo.registry.oaiinter

The standard OAI interface.

In this module the core handling the OAI requests and the top-level handlers
for the verbs are defined.

The top-level handlers are all called run_<verb> -- any such function
is web-callable.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

import datetime
import time
import urllib.parse as urlparse

from gavo import base
from gavo import svcs
from gavo import utils
from gavo.registry import builders
from gavo.registry import common
from gavo.registry import identifiers
from gavo.registry.model import OAI

from gavo.registry.common import ( #noflake: exported names
	OAIError, BadArgument, BadResumptionToken, BadVerb,
	CannotDisseminateFormat, IdDoesNotExist, NoMetadataFormats,
	NoSetHierarchy, NoRecordsMatch)

########################### Generic Processing of PMH requests

# a mapping of OAI verbs to optional and required argument names
	"GetRecord": (["identifier", "metadataPrefix"], []),
	"ListRecords": (["metadataPrefix"],
		["from", "until", "set", "resumptionToken"]),
	"ListIdentifiers": (["metadataPrefix"],
		["from", "until", "set", "resumptionToken"]),
	"ListSets": ([], []),
	"Identify": ([], []),
	"ListMetadataFormats": ([], ["identifier"]),}

[docs]def runPMH(pars, builders): """runs the OAI-PMH handling function. builders is a mapping of verbs to tuples of (oai_dc-generating-function, ivo_vor-generating-function, argument-building-function). The argument-building function takes the OAI-PMH parameter dictionary (that's already validated for mandatory and optional arguments) and returns a tuple that is then passed on to the generating functions. Those must returns stanxml for inclusion in an OAI.PMH element. The response header is generated by this function. """ if "verb" not in pars: raise common.BadArgument("verb") verb = pars["verb"] if verb not in _ARGUMENTS: raise common.BadVerb("'%s' is an unsupported operation."%verb) requiredArgs, optionalArgs = _ARGUMENTS[verb] checkPars(pars, requiredArgs, optionalArgs) contentMaker, getArgs = builders[verb] # dispatch on prefix if necessary (contentMaker is a dict) if isinstance(contentMaker, dict): contentMaker = dispatchOnPrefix(pars, contentMaker) return OAI.PMH[ getResponseHeaders(pars), contentMaker(*getArgs(pars)),]
########################### parsing and generating resumption tokens # In our implementation, the resumptionToken is a hex-encoded # zlibbed query string made from the parameters, plus information # on the offset and the time the resumption token was issued.
[docs]def makeResumptionToken(pars, nextOffset): """return a resumptionToken element for resuming the query in pars at nextOffset. """ toEncode = pars.copy() toEncode["nextOffset"] = str(nextOffset) toEncode["queryDate"] = time.time() return utils.getCleanBytes( urlparse.urlencode(toEncode)).decode("ascii")
[docs]def parseResumptionToken(pars): """returns a a dict realPars for an OAI-PMH parameter dictionary pars. If we believe that the registry has changed since rawToken's timestamp, we raise a BadResumptionToken exception. This is based on gavo pub reloading the //services RD after publication. Not perfect, but probably adequate. Note that newPars will contain resumptionToken again, but as an offset to the query executed. """ try: newPars = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl( utils.getDirtyBytes(pars["resumptionToken"]).decode("ascii"))) queryDate = float(newPars.pop("queryDate")) offset = int(newPars.pop("nextOffset")) except KeyError: raise base.ui.logOldExc( common.BadResumptionToken("Incomplete resumption token")) except Exception as msg: raise base.ui.logOldExc(common.BadResumptionToken(str(msg))) if newPars.get("verb", 1)!=pars.get("verb", 2): raise common.BadResumptionToken( "Trying to resume with a different verb") if pars.get("metadataPrefix"): raise common.BadResumptionToken("Trying to resume with a" " different metadata prefix") if int(queryDate)<int(base.caches.getRD("//services").loadedAt): raise common.BadResumptionToken("Service table has changed") newPars["resumptionToken"] = offset return newPars
########################### Helpers for OAI handlers
[docs]def checkPars(pars, required, optional=[], ignored=set(["verb", "maxRecords"])): """raises exceptions for missing or illegal parameters. """ required, optional = set(required), set(optional) for name in pars: if name not in ignored and name not in required and name not in optional: raise common.BadArgument(name) for name in required: if name not in pars: raise common.BadArgument(name)
[docs]def getResponseHeaders(pars): """returns the OAI response header for a query with pars. """ return [ OAI.responseDate[datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime( utils.isoTimestampFmt)], OAI.request(verb=pars["verb"], metadataPrefix=pars.get("metadataPrefix"))]
[docs]def dispatchOnPrefix(pars, contentMakers): """returns a resource factory depending on the metadataPrefix in pars. contentMakers is one of the dictionaries called "verb" in builders below. Invalid metadataPrefixes are detected here and lead to exceptions. """ try: return contentMakers[pars["metadataPrefix"]] except KeyError: if "metadataPrefix" in pars: raise common.CannotDisseminateFormat( "%s metadata are not supported"%pars["metadataPrefix"]) else: raise common.BadArgument("metadataPrefix missing")
def _getSetNames(pars): """returns a set of requested set names from pars. This is ivo_managed if no set is specified in pars. """ return set([pars.get("set", "ivo_managed")]) def _makeArgsForListMetadataFormats(pars): # returns arguments for builders.getListMetadataElements. # identifier is not ignored since crooks may be trying to verify the # existence of resource in this way and we want to let them do this. # Of course, we support both kinds of metadata on all records. if "identifier" in pars: identifiers.getResobFromIdentifier(pars["identifier"]) return () def _addTemporalCondition(parVal, operator, sqlFrags, sqlPars, parName): """generates a temporal condition for recTimestamp and operator out of parVal. This is a helper to handle both from and to parameters. Nothing is generated if parVal is None. Since the Validator insists that servers enforce identical granularity on both arguments, this is more involved; it returns None, "time", or "datetime" depending on what the argument was. """ if parVal is None: return None parsed, argtype = None, None mat = utils.datetimeRE.match(parVal) if mat: parsed = base.parseDefaultDatetime(parVal) argtype = "datetime" mat = utils.dateRE.match(parVal) if not parsed and mat: parsed = base.parseDefaultDate(parVal) # postgres compares dates against timestamps as if the dates were for # midnight. Therefore, on the upper limit, we need to fix things: if operator=='<=': parsed = parsed+datetime.timedelta(1) operator = '<' argtype = "date" if parsed: sqlFrags.append("recTimestamp %s %%(%s)s"%( operator, base.getSQLKey("temporal", parsed, sqlPars))) return argtype raise common.BadArgument(parName) def _parseOAIPars(pars): """returns a pair of queryFragment, parameters for a query of services#services according to OAI. """ sqlPars, sqlFrags = {}, [] argTypes = set(argType for argType in [ _addTemporalCondition( pars.get("from"), ">=", sqlFrags, sqlPars, "from"), _addTemporalCondition( pars.get("until"), "<=", sqlFrags, sqlPars, "until")] if argType) if len(argTypes)==2: raise common.BadArgument("from") return " AND ".join(sqlFrags), sqlPars def _getSetCondition(pars, sqlPars): """helps getMatchingRestups. """ if "set" in pars: setName = pars["set"] else: setName = "ivo_managed" # we should join for this, but we'd need more careful query # construction then... return ("EXISTS (SELECT setName from dc.sets WHERE" " sets.resId=resources.resId" " AND sets.sourceRD=resources.sourceRD" " AND setname=%%(%s)s)"%(base.getSQLKey("set", setName, sqlPars)))
[docs]def getMatchingRows(pars, rscTableDef, getSetFilter): """returns rows in rscTableDef matching the OAI parameters pars. The last element of the list could be an OAI.resumptionToken element. pars is a dictionary mapping any of the following keys to values: - from - until -- these give a range for which changed records are being returned - set -- maps to a sequence of set names to be matched. - resumptionToken -- some magic value (see OAI.resumptionToken) - maxRecords -- an integer literal that specifies the maximum number of records returned, defaulting to [ivoa]oaipmhPageSize maxRecords is not part of OAI-PMH; it is used internally to turn paging on when we think it's a good idea, and for testing. rscTableDef has to be a table with a column recTimestamp giving the resource record's updated time. getSetFilter(pars, fillers) is a function receiving the PMH parameters dictionary and a dictionary of query fillers and returning, as appropriate, a condition that implements any conditions on sets within pars """ frag, fillers = _parseOAIPars(pars) frag = " AND ".join( f for f in [getSetFilter(pars, fillers), frag] if f) maxRecords = int(pars.get("maxRecords", base.getConfig("ivoa", "oaipmhPagesize"))) offset = pars.get("resumptionToken", 0) fillers.update({"maxRecords": maxRecords, "offset": offset}) try: res = rscTableDef.doSimpleQuery( fragments=frag, postfix="LIMIT %(maxRecords)s OFFSET %(offset)s", params=fillers) if len(res)==maxRecords: # there's probably more data, add a resumption token res.append(OAI.resumptionToken[ makeResumptionToken(pars, offset+len(res))]) res[-1].addChild = lambda: 0 except base.DBError: raise base.ui.logOldExc( common.BadArgument("Bad syntax in some parameter value")) except KeyError as msg: raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.Error("Internal error, missing key: %s"%msg)) if not res: raise common.NoRecordsMatch( "No resource records match your criteria.") return res
[docs]def getMatchingRestups(pars): """returns a list of res tuples matching the OAI query arguments pars. See getMatchingRows for details on pars. """ td = common.getServicesRD().getById("resources") return getMatchingRows(pars, td, _getSetCondition)
[docs]def getMatchingResobs(pars): """returns a list of res objects matching the OAI-PMH pars. See getMatchingRestups for details. """ res = [] for restup in getMatchingRestups(pars): if isinstance(restup, OAI.OAIElement): res.append(restup) else: try: res.append(identifiers.getResobFromRestup(restup)) except Exception as exc: base.ui.notifyError("Could not create resource for %s: %s"%( repr(restup), exc)) return res
########################### The registry core
[docs]class RegistryCore(svcs.Core, base.RestrictionMixin): """is a core processing OAI requests. Its signature requires a single input key containing the complete args from the incoming request. This is necessary to satisfy the requirement of raising errors on duplicate arguments. It returns an ElementTree. This core is intended to work the the RegistryRenderer. """ name_ = "registryCore" inputTableXML = """ <inputTable id="_pubregInput"> <inputKey name="args" type="raw" multiplicity="single" description="The raw dictionary of input parameters"/> </inputTable> """ outputTableXML = """<outputTable/>""" # builders maps actions to a pair of (thing, function(pars) -> whatever), # where function accepts the oai-pmh parameters and returns the an internal # representation of the response. thing is either a function accepting # this internal representation for verbs not requiring a metadata # prefix, or it is a mapping of metadata prefixes to such functions # otherwise. builders = { "GetRecord": ({ "ivo_vor": builders.getVOGetRecordElement, "oai_dc": builders.getDCGetRecordElement}, lambda pars: (identifiers.getResobFromIdentifier(pars["identifier"]),)), "ListRecords": ({ "ivo_vor": builders.getVOListRecordsElement, "oai_dc": builders.getDCListRecordsElement}, lambda pars: (getMatchingResobs(pars), _getSetNames(pars))), "ListIdentifiers": ({ "ivo_vor": builders.getListIdentifiersElement, "oai_dc": builders.getListIdentifiersElement}, lambda pars: (getMatchingRestups(pars),)), "ListSets": (builders.getListSetsElement, lambda pars: ()), "Identify": (builders.getIdentifyElement, lambda pars: (base.caches.getRD("//services").getById("registry"),)), "ListMetadataFormats": (builders.getListMetadataFormatsElement, _makeArgsForListMetadataFormats), }
[docs] def runWithPMHDict(self, args): pars = {} for argName, argVal in args.items(): if len(argVal)!=1: raise common.BadArgument(argName) else: pars[argName] = argVal[0] if "resumptionToken" in pars: pars = parseResumptionToken(pars) return runPMH(pars,
[docs] def run(self, service, inputTable, queryMeta): """returns an ElementTree containing a OAI-PMH response for the query described by pars. """ args = inputTable.getParam("args") or {} return self.runWithPMHDict(args)