Source code for gavo.registry.servicelist

The (DC-internal) service list: querying, adding records, etc.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

from gavo import base
from gavo import utils
from gavo import rsc
from gavo.protocols import vocabularies
from gavo.registry import common

[docs]def getSetsForResource(restup): """returns the list of set names the resource described by restup belongs to. """ with base.getTableConn() as conn: return [str(r[0]) for r in conn.query("SELECT DISTINCT setName FROM dc.sets WHERE" " sourceRD=%(sourceRD)s AND resId=%(resId)s AND NOT deleted", restup)]
[docs]def getSets(): """returns a sequence of dicts giving setName and and a list of services belonging to that set. """ tableDef = common.getServicesRD().getById("sets") setMembers = {} for rec in tableDef.doSimpleQuery(): setMembers.setdefault(rec["setName"], []).append( (rec["sourceRD"], rec["resId"])) return [{"setName": key, "services": value} for key, value in setMembers.items()]
[docs]def queryServicesList(whereClause="", pars={}, tableName="resources_join"): """returns a list of services based on selection criteria in whereClause. The table queried is the resources_join view, and you'll get back all fields defined there. """ td = common.getServicesRD().getById(tableName) return td.doSimpleQuery(fragments=whereClause, params=pars)
[docs]def querySubjectsList(setName=None): """returns a list of local services chunked by subjects. This is mainly for the root page (see web.root). Query the cache using the __system__/services key to clear the cache on services. Note that this will translate known UAT terms to their labels. """ try: uat = vocabularies.get_vocabulary("uat") except base.ReportableError as msg: # fetching the vocabulary somehow failed; don't stop operations # just because of that. base.ui.notifyWarning("Tried to get UAT but failed: %s. Trugding on."% msg) uat = {"terms": {}} setName = setName or 'local' svcsForSubjs = {} td = common.getServicesRD().getById("subjects_join") for row in td.doSimpleQuery( fragments="setName=%(setName)s AND subject IS NOT NULL", params={"setName": setName}): svcsForSubjs.setdefault(row["subject"], []).append(row) for s in list(svcsForSubjs.values()): s.sort(key=lambda a: a["title"]) res = [{"subject": vocabularies.get_label(uat, subject), "chunk": s} for subject, s in svcsForSubjs.items()] res.sort(key=lambda i: i["subject"]) return res
[docs]def getChunkedServiceList(setName=None): """returns a list of local services chunked by title char. This is mainly for the root page (see web.root). Query the cache using the __system__/services key to clear the cache on services reload. """ setName = setName or 'local' return utils.chunk( sorted(queryServicesList("setName=%(setName)s and not deleted", {"setName": setName}), key=lambda s: s.get("title").lower()), lambda srec: srec.get("title", ".")[0].upper())
[docs]def cleanServiceTablesFor(rd, connection): """removes/invalidates all entries originating from rd from the service tables. """ # this is a bit of a hack: We're running services#tables' newSource # skript without then importing anything new. tables = rsc.Data.create( common.getServicesRD().getById("tables"), connection=connection) tables.runScripts("newSource", sourceToken=rd)
[docs]def basename(tableName): if "." in tableName: return tableName.split(".")[-1] else: return tableName
[docs]def getTableDef(tableName): """returns a tableDef instance for the schema-qualified tableName. If no such table is known to the system, a NotFoundError is raised. """ with base.getTableConn() as conn: res = list(conn.query("SELECT tableName, sourceRD FROM dc.tablemeta WHERE" " LOWER(tableName)=LOWER(%(tableName)s)", {"tableName": tableName})) if len(res)!=1: raise base.NotFoundError(tableName, what="table", within="DaCHS' table listing.", hint="The table is missing from" " the dc.tablemeta table. This gets filled at gavoimp time.") tableName, rdId = res[0] return base.caches.getRD(rdId).getById(basename(tableName))