Source code for

VOTable-style groups for RD tables.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

from gavo import base
from gavo.base import attrdef
from gavo.rscdef import column
from gavo.rscdef import common

[docs]class TypedReference(base.Structure): """A base class for references to columns and parameters. """ _dest = base.UnicodeAttribute("key", default=base.Undefined, description="The key (i.e., name) of the referenced column or param.", copyable="True", aliases=["dest"]) _ucd = base.UnicodeAttribute("ucd", default=None, description="The UCD of the group", copyable=True) _utype = base.UnicodeAttribute("utype", default=None, description="A utype for the group", copyable=True)
[docs] def resolve(self, container): """tries to resolve the reference within container. This must be overridden by derived classes. """ raise NotImplementedError("Don't now how to resolve %s references."% self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class ColumnReference(TypedReference): """A reference from a group to a column within a table. ColumnReferences do not support qualified references, i.e., you can only give simple names. """ name_ = "columnRef"
[docs] def resolve(self, container): return container.getColumnByName(self.key)
[docs]class ParameterReference(TypedReference): """A reference from a group to a parameter within a table. ParamReferences do not support qualified references, i.e., you can only give simple names. Also note that programmatically, you usually want to resolve ParamReferences within the Table instance, not the table definition. """ name_ = "paramRef"
[docs] def resolve(self, container): return container.getParamByName(self.key)
[docs]class Group(base.Structure): """A group is a collection of columns, parameters and other groups with a dash of metadata. Within a group, you can refer to columns or params of the enclosing table by their names. Nothing outside of the enclosing table can be part of a group. Rather than referring to params, you can also embed them into a group; they will then *not* be present in the embedding table. Groups may contain groups. One application for this is grouping input keys for the form renderer. For such groups, you probably want to give the label property (and possibly cssClass). """ name_ = "group" _name = column.ParamNameAttribute("name", default=None, description="Name of the column (must be SQL-valid for onDisk tables)", copyable=True) _ucd = base.UnicodeAttribute("ucd", default=None, description="The UCD of the group", copyable=True) _description = base.NWUnicodeAttribute("description", default=None, copyable=True, description="A short (one-line) description of the group") _utype = base.UnicodeAttribute("utype", default=None, description="A utype for the group", copyable=True) _columnRefs = base.StructListAttribute("columnRefs", description="References to table columns belonging to this group", childFactory=ColumnReference, copyable=True) _paramRefs = base.StructListAttribute("paramRefs", description="Names of table parameters belonging to this group", childFactory=ParameterReference, copyable=True) _params = common.ColumnListAttribute("params", childFactory=column.Param, description="Immediate param elements for this group (use paramref" " to reference params defined in the parent table)", copyable=True) _groups = base.StructListAttribute("groups", childFactory=attrdef.Recursive, description="Sub-groups of this group (names are still referenced" " from the enclosing table)", copyable=True, xmlName="group") _props = base.PropertyAttribute(copyable=True) @property def table(self): """the table definition this group lives in. For nested groups, this still is the ancestor table. """ try: # (re) compute the table we belong to if there's no table cache # or determination has failed so far. if self.__tableCache is None: raise AttributeError except AttributeError: # find something that has columns (presumably a table def) in our # ancestors. I don't want to check for a TableDef instance # since I don't want to import rscdef.table here (circular import) # and things with column and params would work as well. anc = self.parent while anc: if hasattr(anc, "columns"): self.__tableCache = anc break anc = anc.parent else: self.__tableCache = None return self.__tableCache
[docs] def onParentComplete(self): """checks that param and column names can be found in the parent table. """ # defer validation for sub-groups (parent group will cause validation) if isinstance(self.parent, Group): return # forgo validation if the group doesn't have a table if self.table is None: return try: for col in self.iterColumns(): pass for par in self.iterParams(): pass except base.NotFoundError as msg: raise base.StructureError( "No param or field %s in found in table %s"%( msg.what, for group in self.groups: group.onParentComplete()
[docs] def iterColumns(self): """iterates over columns within this group. """ table = self.table # (self.table is a property) for ref in self.columnRefs: yield ref.resolve(table)
[docs] def iterParams(self): """iterates over all params within this group. This includes both params refereced in the parent table and immediate params. """ table = self.table # (self.table is a property) for ref in self.paramRefs: yield ref.resolve(table) for par in self.params: yield par