Source code for

Definitions and shared code for STC processing.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

import math
import operator

from gavo import utils
from gavo.utils import ElementTree #noflake:clients expect this name
from gavo.utils.stanxml import Stub, registerPrefix, schemaURL
from functools import reduce

[docs]class STCError(utils.Error): pass
[docs]class STCSParseError(STCError): """is raised if an STC-S expression could not be parsed. Low-level routines raise a pyparsing ParseException. Only higher level functions raise this error. The offending expression is in the expr attribute, the start position of the offending phrase in pos. """ def __init__(self, msg, expr=None, pos=None): STCError.__init__(self, msg) self.args = [msg, expr, pos] self.pos, self.expr = pos, expr
[docs]class STCLiteralError(STCError): """is raised when a literal is not well-formed. There is an attribute literal giving the malformed literal. """ def __init__(self, msg, literal=None): STCError.__init__(self, msg) self.args = [msg, literal] self.literal = literal
[docs]class STCInternalError(STCError): """is raised when assumptions about the library behaviour are violated. """
[docs]class STCValueError(STCError): """is raised when some STC specification is inconsistent. """
[docs]class STCUnitError(STCError): """is raised when some impossible operation on units is requested. """
[docs]class STCXBadError(STCError): """is raised when something is wrong with STC-X. """
[docs]class STCNotImplementedError(STCError): """is raised when the current implementation limits are reached. """
#### Constants TWO_PI = 2*math.pi tropicalYear = 365.242198781 # in days secsPerJCy = 36525*86400. STCNamespace = "" XlinkNamespace = "" registerPrefix("stc", STCNamespace, schemaURL("stc-v1.30.xsd")) registerPrefix("xlink", XlinkNamespace, schemaURL("xlink.xsd")) # The following lists have to be updated when the STC standard is # updated. They are used for building the STC-X namespace. # known space reference frames stcSpaceRefFrames = set(["ICRS", "FK4", "FK5", "ECLIPTIC", "GALACTIC_I", "GALACTIC_II", "SUPER_GALACTIC", "AZ_EL", "BODY", "GEO_C", "GEO_D", "MAG", "GSE", "GSM", "SM", "HGC", "HGS", "HPC", "HPR", "HEE", "HEEQ", "HGI", "HRTN", "MERCURY_C", "VENUS_C", "LUNA_C", "MARS_C", "JUPITER_C_III", "SATURN_C_III", "UNKNOWNFrame"]) # known space reference positions stcRefPositions = set(["TOPOCENTER", "BARYCENTER", "HELIOCENTER", "GEOCENTER", "LSR", "LSRK", "LSRD", "GALACTIC_CENTER", "LOCAL_GROUP_CENTER", "MOON", "EMBARYCENTER", "MERCURY", "VENUS", "MARS", "JUPITER", "SATURN", "URANUS", "NEPTUNE", "PLUTO", "RELOCATABLE", "UNKNOWNRefPos", "CoordRefPos"]) # known flavors for coordinates stcCoordFlavors = set(["SPHERICAL", "CARTESIAN", "UNITSPHERE", "POLAR", "CYLINDRICAL", "STRING", "HEALPIX"]) # known time scales stcTimeScales = set(["TT", "TDT", "ET", "TAI", "IAT", "UTC", "TEB", "TDB", "TCG", "TCB", "LST", "nil"]) # Nodes for ASTs def _compareFloat(val1, val2): """returns true if val1==val2 up to a fudge factor. This only works for floats. >>> _compareFloat(30.0, 29.999999999999996) True """ try: return abs(val1-val2)/val1<1e-12 except ZeroDivisionError: # val1 is zero return val2==0 def _aboutEqual(val1, val2): """compares val1 and val2 inexactly. This is for comparing floats or sequences of floats. If you pass in other sequences, bad things will happen. It will return true if val1 and val2 are deemed equal. >>> _aboutEqual(2.3, 2.2999999999999997) True >>> _aboutEqual(2.3, 2.299999997) False >>> _aboutEqual(None, 2.3) False >>> _aboutEqual((1e-10,1e10), (1.00000000000001e-10,1.00000000000001e10)) True >>> _aboutEqual((1e-10,1e10), (1.0000000001e-10,1.000000001e10)) False """ if val1==val2: return True if isinstance(val1, float) and isinstance(val2, float): return _compareFloat(val1, val2) try: return reduce(operator.and_, (_compareFloat(*p) for p in zip(val1, val2))) except TypeError: # At least one value is not iterable return False
[docs]class ASTNode(utils.AutoNode): """The base class for all nodes in STC ASTs. """ _a_ucd = None _a_id = None inexactAttrs = set() # we want fast comparison for identitical objects. def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if self is other: return True for name, _ in self._nodeAttrs: if name=="id": continue if name in self.inexactAttrs: if not _aboutEqual(getattr(self, name), getattr(other, name)): return False elif getattr(self, name)!=getattr(other, name): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self==other def __hash__(self): return hash(id(self))
[docs] def ensureId(self): """sets id to some value if still None. """ if is None: = utils.intToFunnyWord(id(self))
[docs]class ColRef(Stub): """A column reference instead of a true value, occurring in an STC-S tree. """ name_ = "_colRef" # A ghastly hack: if someone sets this true at some point this # reference will be rendered to a PARAMref rather than a FIELDref # in VOTables. Well, this whole code needs overdoing. toParam = False def __str__(self): return self.dest # only for debugging: '"%s"'%self.dest def __mul__(self, other): raise STCValueError("ColRefs (here, %s) cannot be used in arithmetic" " expressions."%repr(self))
[docs] def encode(self, encoding): # for ElementTree.dump return self.dest.encode(encoding)
[docs] def isoformat(self): return self
[docs] def apply(self, func): return func(self, self.dest, {}, [])
[docs]class GeometryColRef(ColRef): """A ColRef that refers to an in-DB geometry. These comprise the entire arguments of a geometry (or all coordinates of a vector). They implement __len__ as soon as they are validated (in stcsast; we don't do col. refs in stc-x); their len is the expected number of elements. """ expectedLength = None def __len__(self): if self.expectedLength is None: raise STCValueError("No length on unvalidated geometry column" " reference") return self.expectedLength def __bool__(self): return True
[docs]def clampLong(val): """returns val standardized as a latitude. Our latitudes are always in [0, 2*pi]. """ val = math.fmod(val, TWO_PI) if val<0: val += TWO_PI return val
[docs]def clampLat(val): """returns val standardized as a latitude. Our latitudes are always in [-pi, pi]. """ val = math.fmod(val, TWO_PI) if val<-math.pi: val += TWO_PI if val>math.pi: val -= TWO_PI return val
def _test(): import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__=="__main__": _test()