Source code for

Helpers for time parsing and conversion.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

import bisect
import datetime
import math

from gavo import utils
from import common

JD_MJD = 2400000.5

[docs]def parseISODT(value): try: return utils.parseISODT(value) except ValueError as ex: raise common.STCLiteralError(str(ex), value)
[docs]@utils.document def jdnToDateTime(jd): """returns a ``datetime.datetime`` instance for a julian day number. """ return jYearToDateTime((jd-2451545.0)/365.25+2000.0)
[docs]@utils.document def mjdToDateTime(mjd): """returns a ``datetime.datetime`` instance for a modified julian day number. Beware: This loses a couple of significant digits due to transformation to jd. """ return jdnToDateTime(mjd+JD_MJD)
[docs]@utils.document def bYearToDateTime(bYear): """returns a datetime.datetime instance for a fractional Besselian year. This uses the formula given by Lieske, J.H., A&A 73, 282 (1979). """ jdn = (bYear-1900.0)*common.tropicalYear+2415020.31352 return jdnToDateTime(jdn)
[docs]@utils.document def jYearToDateTime(jYear): """returns a datetime.datetime instance for a fractional (julian) year. This refers to time specifications like J2001.32. """ return datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12)+datetime.timedelta( days=(jYear-2000.0)*365.25)
dtJ2000 = jYearToDateTime(2000.0) dtB1950 = bYearToDateTime(1950.0)
[docs]@utils.document def dateTimeToJdn(dt): """returns a julian day number (including fractionals) from a datetime instance. """ a = (14-dt.month)//12 y = dt.year+4800-a m = dt.month+12*a-3 jdn =*m+2)//5+365*y+y//4-y//100+y//400-32045 try: secsOnDay = dt.hour*3600+dt.minute*60+dt.second+dt.microsecond/1e6 except AttributeError: secsOnDay = 0 return jdn+(secsOnDay-43200)/86400.
[docs]@utils.document def dateTimeToMJD(dt): """returns a modified julian date for a datetime instance. """ return dateTimeToJdn(dt)-JD_MJD
[docs]def dateTimeToBYear(dt): return (dateTimeToJdn(dt)-2415020.31352)/common.tropicalYear+1900.0
[docs]@utils.document def dateTimeToJYear(dt): """returns a fractional (julian) year for a datetime.datetime instance. """ return (dateTimeToJdn(dt)-2451545)/365.25+2000
[docs]def getSeconds(td): """returns the number of seconds corresponding to a timedelta object. """ return td.days*86400+td.seconds+td.microseconds*1e-6
############ Time scale conversions # All these convert to/from TT. _TDTminusTAI = datetime.timedelta(seconds=32.184)
[docs]@utils.document def TTtoTAI(tdt): """returns TAI for a (datetime.datetime) TDT. """ return tdt+_TDTminusTAI
[docs]@utils.document def TAItoTT(tai): """returns TDT for a (datetime.datetime) TAI. """ return tai-_TDTminusTAI
def _getTDBOffset(tdb): """returns the TDB-TDT according to [EXS] 2.222-1. """ g = (357.53+0.9856003*(dateTimeToJdn(tdb)-2451545.0))/180*math.pi return datetime.timedelta(0.001658*math.sin(g)+0.000014*math.sin(2*g))
[docs]def TDBtoTT(tdb): """returns an approximate TT from a TDB. The simplified formula 2.222-1 from [EXS] is used. """ return tdb-_getTDBOffset(tdb)
[docs]def TTtoTDB(tt): """returns approximate TDB from TT. The simplified formula 2.222-1 from [EXS] is used. """ return tt+_getTDBOffset(tt)
_L_G = 6.969291e-10 # [EXS], p. 47 def _getTCGminusTT(dt): # [EXS], 2.223-5 return datetime.timedelta(seconds= _L_G*(dateTimeToJdn(dt)-2443144.5)*86400)
[docs]def TTtoTCG(tt): """returns TT from TCG. This uses 2.223-5 from [EXS]. """ return tt+_getTCGminusTT(tt)
[docs]def TCGtoTT(tcg): """returns TT from TCG. This uses 2.223-5 from [EXS]. """ return tcg+_getTCGminusTT(tcg)
_L_B = 1.550505e-8 def _getTCBminusTDB(dt): # [EXS], 2.223-2 return datetime.timedelta( seconds=_L_B*(dateTimeToJdn(dt)-2443144.5)*86400)
[docs]def TCBtoTT(tcb): """returns an approximate TCB from a TT. This uses [EXS] 2.223-2 and the approximate conversion from TDB to TT. """ return TDBtoTT(tcb+_getTCBminusTDB(tcb))
[docs]def TTtoTCB(tt): """returns an approximate TT from a TCB. This uses [EXS] 2.223-2 and the approximate conversion from TT to TDB. """ return TTtoTDB(tt)-_getTCBminusTDB(tt)
def _makeLeapSecondTable(): lsTable = [] for lsCount, lsMoment in enumerate([ # from Lenny tzinfo datetime.datetime(1971, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1972, 0o6, 30, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1972, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1973, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1974, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1975, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1976, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1977, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1978, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1979, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1981, 0o6, 30, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1982, 0o6, 30, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1983, 0o6, 30, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1985, 0o6, 30, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1987, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1989, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1990, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1992, 0o6, 30, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1993, 0o6, 30, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1994, 0o6, 30, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1995, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1997, 0o6, 30, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(1998, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(2005, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), datetime.datetime(2008, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), ]): lsTable.append((lsMoment, datetime.timedelta(seconds=lsCount+10))) return lsTable # A table of TAI-UTC, indexed by UTC leapSecondTable = _makeLeapSecondTable() del _makeLeapSecondTable _sentinelTD = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0)
[docs]def getLeapSeconds(dt, table=leapSecondTable): """returns TAI-UTC for the datetime dt. """ ind = bisect.bisect_left(leapSecondTable, (dt, _sentinelTD)) if ind==0: return datetime.timedelta(seconds=9.) return table[ind-1][1]
[docs]def UTCtoTT(utc): """returns TT from UTC. The leap second table is complete through 2009-5. >>> getLeapSeconds(datetime.datetime(1998,12,31,23,59,58)) datetime.timedelta(seconds=31) >>> TTtoTAI(UTCtoTT(datetime.datetime(1998,12,31,23,59,59))) datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 30) >>> TTtoTAI(UTCtoTT(datetime.datetime(1999,1,1,0,0,0))) datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 32) """ return TAItoTT(utc+getLeapSeconds(utc))
# A table of TAI-UTC, indexed by TT ttLeapSecondTable = [(UTCtoTT(t), dt) for t, dt in leapSecondTable]
[docs]def TTtoUTC(tt): """returns UTC from TT. The leap second table is complete through 2009-5. >>> TTtoUTC(UTCtoTT(datetime.datetime(1998,12,31,23,59,59))) datetime.datetime(1998, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) >>> TTtoUTC(UTCtoTT(datetime.datetime(1999,1,1,0,0,0))) datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 1, 0, 0) """ # XXX TODO: leap seconds need to be computed from UTC, so this will # be one second off in the immediate vicinity of a leap second. return TTtoTAI(tt)-getLeapSeconds(tt, ttLeapSecondTable)
# A dict mapping timescales to conversions to/from TT. timeConversions = { "UTC": (UTCtoTT, TTtoUTC), "TCB": (TCBtoTT, TTtoTCB), "TCG": (TCGtoTT, TTtoTCG), "TDB": (TDBtoTT, TTtoTDB), "TAI": (TAItoTT, TTtoTAI), "TT": (utils.identity, utils.identity), }
[docs]def getTransformFromScales(fromScale, toScale): if not fromScale or not toScale: return utils.identity try: toTT = timeConversions[fromScale][0] toTarget = timeConversions[toScale][1] except KeyError as key: raise common.STCValueError("Unknown timescale for transform: %s"%key) def transform(val): return toTarget(toTT(val)) return transform
[docs]def getTransformFromSTC(fromSTC, toSTC): fromScale, toScale = fromSTC.time.frame.timeScale, toSTC.time.frame.timeScale if fromScale!=toSTC and toSTC is not None: return getTransformFromScales(fromScale, toScale)
[docs]@ utils.document def isMJD(col): """returns True if the rscdef.Column instance col likely contains MJD values. This has a long and winding history in DaCHS, and so this is a disaster of heuristics. """ if col.unit!="d": return False # classic DaCHS: have a name with mjd in it if "mjd" in return True # SIAP: a stupid uype if col.ucd and "MJD" in col.ucd.upper(): return True # xtype abuse: just here for backward compatibility; this is pain because # something else will have to kill the xtype. if col.xtype=="mjd": return True # the current recommended way to declare MJD: use an appropriate time0 # in a votable:Coords annotation for role in col.dmRoles: # resolve weakref ann = role() if!="location": # it's not the annotation of a time part of votable:Coords continue try: time0 = ann.instance()["time"]["frame"]["time0"] if time0=="MJD-origin": return True elif time0=="JD-origin": return False else: return float(time0)==JD_MJD except KeyError: # no proper frame annotation in this role; keep on trying pass # I could inspect column statistics (JD 50000 would be extremely unlikely), # but there's an overdose of heuristics here as is. return False
[docs]def datetimeMapperFactory(colDesc): import time # TODO: take a long, hard look at this. I *think* essentially all of # this should be replaced by displayHint-s, if only because neither # timestamp nor date should have a unit. However, this stuff is executed. # We need to work out where... if (colDesc["dbtype"]=="timestamp" or colDesc["dbtype"]=="date" # must look in original, as the one in colDesc comes from typesystems or colDesc.original.xtype=="adql:TIMESTAMP" # legacy, delete ~2020 or colDesc.original.xtype=="timestamp"): unit = colDesc["unit"] if (colDesc["displayHint"].get("format")=="humanDate" or colDesc.original.xtype=="adql:TIMESTAMP" # legacy, delete ~2020 or colDesc.original.xtype=="timestamp"): fun = lambda val: (val and val.isoformat()) or None destType = ("char", "*") colDesc["nullvalue"] = "" elif (colDesc["ucd"] and "MJD" in colDesc["ucd"].upper() or colDesc["xtype"]=="mjd" or "mjd" in colDesc["name"]): colDesc["unit"] = "d" fun = lambda val: (val and dateTimeToMJD(val)) destType = ("double", '1') colDesc["nullvalue"] = "NaN" colDesc["xtype"] = None elif unit=="yr" or unit=="a": fun = lambda val: (val and dateTimeToJYear(val)) def fun(val): return (val and dateTimeToJYear(val)) return str(val) destType = ("double", '1') colDesc["nullvalue"] = "NaN" colDesc["xtype"] = None elif unit=="d": fun = lambda val: (val and dateTimeToJdn(val)) destType = ("double", '1') colDesc["nullvalue"] = "NaN" colDesc["xtype"] = None elif unit=="s": fun = lambda val: (val and time.mktime(val.timetuple())) destType = ("double", '1') colDesc["nullvalue"] = "NaN" colDesc["xtype"] = None else: # default for datetime column: serialise to timestamp fun = lambda val: (val and val.isoformat()) or None destType = ("char", "*") colDesc["nullvalue"] = "" colDesc["xtype"] = "timestamp" colDesc["datatype"], colDesc["arraysize"] = destType return fun
utils.registerDefaultMF(datetimeMapperFactory) def _test(): import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__=="__main__": _test()