Source code for gavo.utils.codetricks

Functions dealing with compilation and introspection of python and
external code.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import atexit
import contextlib
import importlib.util
import io
import itertools
import inspect
import functools
import linecache
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import weakref

from gavo.utils import algotricks
from gavo.utils import misctricks
from gavo.utils import excs

from gavo.utils.dachstypes import (Any, Callable, Dict, Filename,
	Generator, Hashable, List, ModuleType, Optional,
	Sequence, Set, StrToStrMap, TextIO, Tuple, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING)

	T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]def document(origFun: Any): """is a decorator that adds a "buildDocsForThis" attribute to its argument. This attribute is evaluated by documentation generators. """ origFun.buildDocsForThis = True return origFun
[docs]class CachedGetter: """A cache for a callable. This is basically memoization, except that these are supposed to be singletons; CachedGetters should be used where the construction of a resource (e.g., a grammar) should be deferred until it is actually needed to save on startup times. The resource is created on the first call, all further calls just return references to the original object. You can also leave out the getter argument and add an argumentless method impl computing the value to cache. Using a CachedGetter also serializes generation, so you can also use it when getter isn't thread-safe. At construction, you can pass a f(thing) -> bool in an isAlive keyword argument. If you do, the function will be called with the cache before the cache is being returned. If it returns false, the resource is re-made (no concurrency control is enforced here). """ def __init__(self, getter: Callable, *args, **kwargs): if getter is None: getter = self.impl self.cache: Any = None self.getter = getter self.isAlive: Optional[Callable[[Any], bool] ] = kwargs.pop("isAlive", None) self.args, self.kwargs = args, kwargs self.lock = threading.Lock() def __call__(self): if (self.isAlive is not None and self.cache is not None and not self.isAlive(self.cache)): self.cache = None if self.cache is None: with self.lock: # Second and following in already have the cache set and return here if self.cache is not None: return self.cache self.cache = self.getter(*self.args, **self.kwargs) # If the cache is immortal, do away with the stuff needed # for its creation if self.isAlive is None: del self.args del self.kwargs del self.lock return self.cache
[docs]class DeferredImport: """A trivial deferred module loader. Use this to delay the actual import of a module until it's actually needed. It is constructed with a module name (that will be inserted into the calling module's globals() as a side effect) and some literal code that, when executed in the caller's global namespace, actually imports the module, for instance:: utils.DeferredImport("wcs", "from astropy import wcs") As a service for static code checking, you'll usually want to repeat the module name, though: wcs = utils.DeferredImport("wcs", "from astropy import wcs") """ loadedModule = None def __init__(self, moduleName: str, loadingCode:str): # I now f_back is non-None here, so silence mypy self.parentGlobals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals # type: ignore self.moduleName = moduleName self.loader = compile(loadingCode, "<modloader-%s>"%id(self), 'exec') self.parentGlobals[moduleName] = self def __getattr__(self, name: str): exec(self.loader, self.parentGlobals) return getattr(self.parentGlobals[self.moduleName], name)
[docs]class IdManagerMixin: """ A mixin for objects requiring unique IDs. The primary use case is XML generation, where you want stable IDs for objects, but IDs must be unique over an entire XML file. The IdManagerMixin provides some methods for doing that: - makeIdFor(object) -- returns an id for object, or None if makeIdFor has already been called for that object (i.e., it presumably already is in the document). - getIdFor(object) -- returns an id for object if makeIdFor has already been called before. Otherwise, a NotFoundError is raised - getOrMakeIdFor(object) -- returns an id for object; if object has been seen before, it's the same id as before. Identity is by equality for purposes of dictionaries. - getForId(id) -- returns the object belonging to an id that has been handed out before. Raises a NotFoundError for unknown ids. - cloneFrom(other) -- overwrites the self's id management dictionaries with those from other. You want this if two id managers must work on the same document. """ __cleanupPat = re.compile("[^A-Za-z0-9_]+") # Return a proxy instead of raising a KeyError here? We probably do not # really want to generate xml with forward references, but who knows? def __getIdMaps(self) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: try: return self.__objectToId, self.__idsToObject except AttributeError: self.__objectToId: Dict[Hashable, str] = {} self.__idsToObject: Dict[str, Hashable] = {} return self.__objectToId, self.__idsToObject def _fixSuggestion(self, suggestion: str, invMap: StrToStrMap ) -> str: """returns suggestion with some suffix to make in unique if it not already is. """ for i in itertools.count(start=2): newId = f"{suggestion}-{i:02d}" if newId not in invMap: return newId return suggestion # notreached
[docs] def cloneFrom(self, other): """takes the id management dictionaries from other. """ self.__objectToId, self.__idsToObject = other.__getIdMaps()
[docs] def makeIdFor(self, ob: Hashable, suggestion: Optional[str]=None ) -> str: """returns a new id for ob (which must be Hashable). suggestion can be a string giving what id ought to be; the function will change it as necessary to make it a usable and unique id. If the object already has an id, the method will raise a ValueError (since DaCHS 2.8.1; returned None before). """ map, invMap = self.__getIdMaps() if suggestion: suggestion = self.__cleanupPat.sub("", suggestion) if id(ob) in map: raise ValueError(f"{ob} already has the id {id(ob)}") if suggestion is not None: if suggestion in invMap: newId = self._fixSuggestion(suggestion, invMap) else: newId = suggestion else: newId = intToFunnyWord(id(ob)) # register id(ob) <-> newId map, avoiding refs to ob map[id(ob)] = newId try: invMap[newId] = weakref.proxy(ob) except TypeError: # something we can't weakref to invMap[newId] = ob return newId
[docs] def getIdFor(self, ob: Hashable) -> str: """returns the id for ob if it is known. If ob does not yet have an id, the method raises a NotFoundError. """ try: return self.__getIdMaps()[0][id(ob)] except KeyError: raise excs.NotFoundError(repr(ob), what="object", within="id manager %r"%(self,), hint="Someone asked for the" " id of an object not managed by the id manager. This usually" " is a software bug.")
[docs] def getOrMakeIdFor(self, ob: Hashable, suggestion: Optional[str]=None) -> str: """returns the id of the (hashable) ob or creates one if it does not already have one. This is the function you would normally use with the id manager. """ try: return self.getIdFor(ob) except excs.NotFoundError: return self.makeIdFor(ob, suggestion)
[docs] def getForId(self, id: str) -> Hashable: """returns the object associated with id. This will raise a KeyError for unknown ids. """ try: return self.__getIdMaps()[1][id] except KeyError: raise excs.NotFoundError(id, what="id", within="id manager %r"%(self,), hint="Someone asked for the object belonging to an id that has" " been generated externally (i.e., not by this id manager). This" " usually is an internal error of the software.")
[docs]class NullObject(object): """A Null object, i.e. one that accepts any method call whatsoever. This mainly here for use in scaffolding. """ def __getattr__(self, name: str): return self def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
class _CmpType(type): """is a metaclass for *classes* that always compare in one way. """ # Ok, the class thing is just posing. It's fun anyway. def __lt__(cls, other): return cls.cmpRes def __le__(cls, other): return cls.cmpRes def __gt__(cls, other): return not cls.cmpRes def __ge__(cls, other): return not cls.cmpRes def __eq__(cls, other): return False class _Comparer(object, metaclass=_CmpType): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise excs.Error( "%s classes can't be instantiated."%self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class Infimum(_Comparer): """is a *class* smaller than anything. This will only work as the first operand. >>> Infimum<-2333 True >>> Infimum<"" True >>> -2333<Infimum False """ cmpRes = True
[docs]class Supremum(_Comparer): """is a *class* larger than anything. This will only work as the first operand. >>> Supremum>1e300 True >>> Supremum>"" True >>> Supremum>None True >>> Supremum>Supremum True """ cmpRes = False
[docs]class AllEncompassingSet(set): """a set that contains everything. Ok, so this doesn't exist. Yes, I've read my Russell. You see, this is a restricted hack for a reason. And even the docstring is contradictory. Sort-of. This now works for intersection and containing. Should this reject union? Also, unfortunately this only works as a left operand; I don't see how to override whatever set does with this as a right operand. >>> s = AllEncompassingSet() >>> s & set([1,2]) {1, 2} >>> "gooble" in s True >>> s in s True >>> s not in s False """ def __init__(self): set.__init__(self, []) def __bool__(self): return True # I don't want to mimic the complex signature of the superclass # here, so let's shut mypy up. def __and__(self, other: Set) -> Set: # type: ignore return other
[docs] def intersection(self, other: Set) -> Set: # type: ignore return other
def __contains__(self, el: Any): return True
[docs]def iterDerivedClasses(baseClass: type, objects: List[Any]): """iterates over all subclasses of baseClass in the sequence objects. """ for cand in objects: try: if issubclass(cand, baseClass) and cand is not baseClass: yield cand except TypeError: # issubclass wants a class pass
[docs]def iterDerivedObjects(baseClass: type, objects: List[Any]): """iterates over all instances of baseClass in the sequence objects. """ for cand in objects: if isinstance(cand, baseClass): yield cand
# The API of buildClassResolver is a bit painful because it # can actually instantiate the classes. That's why there's an # Any in the signature; this would be a good place for overload # (or to separate the two functions).
[docs]def buildClassResolver( baseClass: type, objects: List[Any], instances: bool=False, key: Callable[[Hashable], Optional[str]] =lambda obj: getattr(obj, "name", None), default=None ) -> Callable[[str], Any]: """returns a function resolving classes deriving from baseClass in the sequence objects by their names. This is used to build registries of, for instance, Macros and RowProcessors. The classes in question have to have a name attribute. objects would usually be something like globals().values() If instances is True the function will return instances instead of classes. key is a function taking an object and returning the key under which you will later access it. If this function returns None, the object will not be entered into the registry. """ if instances: registry: Dict[str, Any] = algotricks.DeferringDict() else: registry = {} for cls in iterDerivedClasses(baseClass, objects): clsKey = key(cls) if clsKey is not None: registry[clsKey] = cls def resolve(name:str, registry: Dict[str, Any]=registry): try: return registry[name] except KeyError: if default is not None: return default raise # see mypy bug #2087 resolve.registry = registry # type: ignore return resolve
_SILENCE_LOCK = threading.RLock()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def silence(errToo: bool=False) -> Generator: """a context manager to temporarily redirect stdout to /dev/null. This is used to shut up some versions of pyparsing and pyfits that insist on spewing stuff to stdout from deep within in relatively normal situations. Note that this will acquire a lock while things are silenced; this means that silenced things cannot run concurrently. """ with _SILENCE_LOCK: realstdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = devnull() if errToo: realstderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = sys.stdout try: yield finally: sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = realstdout if errToo: sys.stderr = realstderr
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def in_dir(destDir: Filename) -> Generator: """executes the controlled block within destDir and then returns to the previous directory. Think "within dir". Haha. """ owd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(destDir) try: yield owd finally: os.chdir(owd)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def sandbox( tmpdir: Optional[Filename]=None, debug: Optional[bool]=False, extractfunc: Optional[Callable[[Filename], None]]=None): """sets up and tears down a sandbox directory within tmpdir. This is is a context manager. The object returned is the original path (which allows you to copy stuff from there). The working directory is the sandbox created while in the controlled block. If tmpdir is None, the *system* default is used (usually /tmp), rather than dachs' tmpdir. So, you will usually want to call this as sandbox(base.getConfig("tempDir")) This is obviously not thread-safe -- you'll not usually want to run this in the main server process. Better fork before running this. You can pass in a function extractfunc(owd) that is executed in the sandbox just before teardown. It receives the original working directory and can, e.g., move files there from the sandbox. """ owd = os.getcwd() wd = tempfile.mkdtemp("sandbox", dir=tmpdir) os.chdir(wd) try: yield owd finally: try: if extractfunc: extractfunc(owd) except Exception as ex: sys.stderr.write("Extraction function failed: %s\n"%ex) os.chdir(owd) if not debug: shutil.rmtree(wd)
def _instrumentForDebugging(func: Callable, funcName: str, src: str ) -> Callable: """returns a callable for a callable func with instrumentation for debugging. src must be the source of func. Specifically, when there's an exception when calling func, this will be logged as a warning. """ debugLocals: Dict[str, Any] = {} embSrc = "\n".join([ "from gavo.utils import excs", "def compileFunctionDebugWrapper(*args, **kwargs):", " try:", " return %s(*args, **kwargs)"%funcName, " except (excs.ExecutiveAction, AssertionError):", " raise", " except:", ' notify("Failing source:\\n%s"%src)', " raise"]) debugLocals["src"] = src debugLocals["notify"] = lambda msg: misctricks.sendUIEvent("Warning", msg) debugLocals[funcName] = func exec(embSrc+"\n", debugLocals) return debugLocals["compileFunctionDebugWrapper"] # What with function attributes, wild lambdas and the linecache, # it's nigh impossible to satisfy mypy on this:
[docs]def compileFunction(src: str, funcName: str, useGlobals: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None, debug: bool=False, uniqueName: Optional[str]=None): """runs src through exec and returns the funcName from the resulting namespace. This takes care to preserve src in the line cache so it is available in tracebacks or in the debugger. useGlobals can be a namespace; if not passed, the globals of the utils.codestricks is used. If debug=True is passed in, additional code is produced to give halfway useful tracebacks. uniqueName, if given, is the identifier for the code. If passed in, no automatic cleanup for the linecache is done under the assumption that reloads (or whatever) will overwrite the linecache. Otherwise code is autonumbered (which is not really desirable for user-provided code, as they won't know where their failing code comes from). This is typically used to define functions, like this: >>> resFunc = compileFunction("def f(x): print(x)", "f") >>> resFunc(1); resFunc("abc") 1 abc """ if not hasattr(compileFunction, "autoNumber"): compileFunction.autoNumber = 0 # type: ignore doCleanup = False if uniqueName is None: uniqueName = "<generated code %s>"%compileFunction.autoNumber # type: ignore compileFunction.autoNumber += 1 # type: ignore doCleanup = True src = src+"\n" localVars: Dict[str, Any] = {} if useGlobals is None: useGlobals = globals() try: code = compile(src, uniqueName, 'exec') exec(code, useGlobals, localVars) except Exception as ex: misctricks.sendUIEvent("Warning", "The code that failed to compile was:" "\n%s"%src) raise misctricks.logOldExc(excs.BadCode(src, "function", ex)) func = localVars[funcName] # this makes our compiled lines available to the traceback writer. # we might want to do sys.excepthook = traceback.print_exception # somewhere so the post mortem dumper uses this, too. Let's see # if it's worth the added risk of breaking things. linecache.cache[uniqueName] = ( # type: ignore len(src), None, src.split("\n"), uniqueName) if doCleanup: func._cleanup = weakref.ref(func, lambda _, key=uniqueName: linecache and linecache.cache.pop(key, None)) #type: ignore if debug: return _instrumentForDebugging(func, funcName, src) else: return func
[docs]def ensureExpression(expr: str, errName: str="unknown") -> None: """raises a LiteralParserError if expr is not a parseable python expression. >>> ensureExpression("4+4") >>> ensureExpression("'/'.join([str(x) for x in range(10)])") >>> ensureExpression("junk") """ try: tree = ast.parse(expr) except SyntaxError as msg: raise misctricks.logOldExc(excs.BadCode(expr, "expression", msg)) # An ast for an expression is a Discard inside at Stmt inside the # top-level Module try: exprNodes = tree.body if len(exprNodes)!=1: raise ValueError("Not a single statement") if not isinstance(exprNodes[0], ast.Expr): raise ValueError("Not an expression") except (ValueError, AttributeError) as ex: raise misctricks.logOldExc(excs.BadCode(expr, "expression", ex))
[docs]def importModule(modName: str) -> ModuleType: """imports a module from the module path. Use this to programmatically import "normal" modules, e.g., dc-internal ones. It uses python's standard import mechanism and returns the module object. We're using exec and python's normal import, so the semantics should be identical to saying import modName except that the caller's namespace is not changed. The function returns the imported module. """ # ward against exploits (we're about to use exec): check syntax if not re.match(r"([A-Za-z_]+)(\.[A-Za-z_]+)*", modName): raise excs.Error("Invalid name in internal import: %s"%modName) parts = modName.split(".") vars: Dict[str, Any] = {} if len(parts)==1: exec("import %s"%modName, vars) else: exec("from %s import %s"%(".".join(parts[:-1]), parts[-1]), vars) return vars[parts[-1]]
[docs]@document def loadPythonModule(fqName: Filename, relativeTo: Optional[Filename]=None ) -> Tuple[ModuleType, Any]: """imports fqName and returns the (module, spec). Do not use this function to import DC-internal modules; this may mess up singletons since you could bypass python's mechanisms to prevent multiple imports of the same module. fqName is a fully qualified path to the module without the .py, unless relativeTo is given, in which case it is interpreted as a relative path. This for letting modules in resdir/res import each other by saying:: mod, _ = api.loadPythonModule("foo", relativeTo=__file__) The python path is temporarily amended with the path part of the source module. If the module is in /var/gavo/inputs/foo/bar/, Python will know the module as foo_bar_mod (the last two path components are always added). This is to keep Python from using the module when someone writes import mod. """ if relativeTo is not None: fqName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(relativeTo), fqName) try: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "_".join(fqName.split("/")[-3:]), fqName+".py") if spec is None: raise ImportError("Could not locate or open %s"%fqName) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) except ImportError: # cloak the actual import error; since this probably comes from user # code, chances are they want to see something else. Let's guess a # structure error raise excs.StructureError("Requested module %s not importable."%fqName, hint="If it exists at all, the import might also fail because" ' of syntax errors or similar. Try python -c "import mod" to get' ' a clue in that case.') spec.loader.exec_module(module) # type: ignore return module, spec
[docs]def loadInternalObject(relativeName: str, objectName: str) -> Any: """gets a name from an internal module. relativeName is the python module path (not including "gavo."), objectName the name of something within the module. This is used for "manual" registries (grammars, cores,...). """ modName = "gavo."+relativeName module = importModule(modName) return getattr(module, objectName)
[docs]def memoized(origFun: Callable): """a trivial memoizing decorator. This is a legacy wrapper for functools.lru_cache. Don't use in new code """ return functools.lru_cache()(origFun)
[docs]def iterConsecutivePairs(sequence: Sequence): """yields pairs of consecutive items from sequence. If the last item cannot be paired, it is dropped. >>> list(iterConsecutivePairs(range(6))) [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5)] >>> list(iterConsecutivePairs(range(5))) [(0, 1), (2, 3)] """ iter1, iter2 = iter(sequence), iter(sequence) next(iter2) return list(zip( itertools.islice(iter1, None, None, 2), itertools.islice(iter2, None, None, 2)))
[docs]def iterRanges(separators: Sequence[T]) -> Generator[Tuple[T, T], None, None]: """yields (left, right) pairs for a sequence of separating indexes. This is when you want to partition a sequence based on cut points. >>> list(iterRanges(range(6))) [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)] """ i = iter(separators) left = next(i) for right in i: yield left, right left = right
[docs]def identity(x: Any) -> Any: return x
[docs]def intToFunnyWord(anInt: int, translation=bytes.maketrans( b"-0123456789abcdef", b"zaeiousmnthwblpgd")) -> str: """returns a sometimes funny (but unique) byte string from an arbitrary integer. >>> intToFunnyWord(3829901938) 'guunwwni' """ return (b"%x"%anInt).translate(translation).decode("ascii")
[docs]def addDefaults(dataDict: Dict, defaultDict: Dict) -> None: """adds key-value pairs from defaultDict to dataDict if the key is missing in dataDict. """ for key, value in defaultDict.items(): if key not in dataDict: dataDict[key] = value
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(None) def devnull() -> TextIO: """returns a (string-) writable /dev/null. This always returns the same object, and to placate resource warnings, the file will be closed before exiting the program; the close method of the returned thing is a no-op. """ devnull = open("/dev/null", "w") closeIt = devnull.close devnull.close = lambda: None # type: ignore atexit.register(closeIt) return devnull
[docs]def memoizeOn( onObject: object, generatingObject: object, generatingFunction: Callable, *args) -> Any: """memoizes the result of generatingFunction on onObject and returns it. This is for caching things that adapt to onObjects; see procdefs and rowmakers for examples why this is useful. args is passed to generatingFunction; generatingObject is only needed for identification. """ cacheName = "_cache%s%s"%(generatingObject.__class__.__name__, str(id(generatingObject))) if getattr(onObject, cacheName, None) is None: setattr(onObject, cacheName, generatingFunction(*args)) return getattr(onObject, cacheName)
[docs]def forgetMemoized(ob: object) -> None: """clears things memoizeOn-ed on ob or @utils.memoize-ed. This is sometimes necessary to let the garbage collector free ob, e.g., when closures have been memoized. """ for n in dir(ob): child = getattr(ob, n) # this is for @memoized things if hasattr(child, "_cache"): child._cache.clear() # this is for lru_cache-decorated functions if hasattr(child, "cache_clear"): child.cache_clear() # this is for memoizedOn-ed things if n.startswith("_cache"): delattr(ob, n)
[docs]def stealVar(varName: str) -> Any: """returns the first local variable called varName in the frame stack above my caller. This is obviously abominable. This is only used within the DC code where the author deemed the specification ugly. Ah. Almost. If no variable with varName is found anywhere in the stack, this raises a ValueError. """ # frame operations are essentially impossible to get through mypy right now. frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back # type: ignore while frame: if varName in frame.f_locals: # type: ignore return frame.f_locals[varName] # type: ignore frame = frame.f_back # type: ignore raise ValueError("No local %s in the stack"%varName)
[docs]def printFrames() -> None: # types: ignore """prints a compact list of frames. This is an aid for printf debugging. """ frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back #type: ignore if inspect.getframeinfo(frame)[2]=="getJobsTable": # type: ignore return while frame: print("[%s,%s], [%s]"%inspect.getframeinfo(frame)[:3]) frame = frame.f_back
[docs]def getTracebackAsString() -> str: import traceback f = io.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=f) return f.getvalue()
[docs]class EqualingRE(object): """A value that compares equal based on RE matches. This is a helper mainly for GetHasXPathsTests. Use an instance of this class to check against an RE rather than a plain string. >>> EqualingRE("(ab)+") == "ababab" True >>> EqualingRE("(ab)+$") == "ababa" False >>> EqualingRE("(ab)+$") != "ababa$" True >>> "ababa" == EqualingRE("(ab)+$") False """ def __init__(self, pattern: str): self.pat = re.compile(pattern) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, str): return bool(self.pat.match(other)) elif isinstance(other, EqualingRE): return id(self)==id(other) return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.pat) def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return "<Pattern %s>"%self.pat.pattern __repr__ = __str__
[docs]class NocaseString(str): """A string that compares case-insensitively. This is my way to work around the crazy requirement that all kinds of VO protocol parameters need to be case-insensitive. This won't work with dictionaries. It will work with cgi.FieldStorage, though, because it does a linear search. Normal DaCHS code doesn't need this because of various hacks in contextgrammar and elsewhere. If you're touching request.args manually, you'll have to look at this, though. Case insensitivity is evil. Let's get rid of it and then get rid of this nasty mess. >>> NocaseString("aBc")=="abc" True >>> "aBc"==NocaseString("abc") True >>> NocaseString("axc")=="abc" False >>> NocaseString("axc")!="abc" True >>> NocaseString("axc")!=NocaseString("abc") True """ def __eq__(self, other: object): if not hasattr(other, "lower"): return False return self.lower()==other.lower() # type: ignore
# we define different list classes depending to help the sqlsupport # add appropriate casts to NULL (SqlArrayAdapter)
[docs]class bytelist(list): pass
[docs]class intlist(list): pass
[docs]class floatlist(list): pass
[docs]class complexlist(list): pass
[docs]class NS(object): """An object that has its kwargs as attributes. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k,v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
if __name__=="__main__": # pragma: no cover import doctest doctest.testmod()