Source code for gavo.utils.excs

Global exceptions for the GAVO data center software.

All exceptions escaping modules should inherit from Error in some way.
Exceptions originating in only one module should usually be defined there,
exceptions should only be defined here if they are raised by more than
one module.

Of course, for certain errors, built-in exceptions (e.g., NotImplemented
or so) may be raised and propagated as well, but these should always
signify internal bugs, never things a user should be confronted with
under normal circumstances.

And then there's stuff like fancyconfig that's supposed to live
independently of the rest.  It's ok if those raise other Exceptions,
but clearly there shouldn't be many of those, or error reporting will
become an even worse nightmare than it already is.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

from gavo.utils.fancyconfig import NoConfigItem #noflake: exported name

from gavo.utils.dachstypes import Optional, ParsePosition

[docs]class Error(Exception): """The base class for all exceptions that can be expected to escape a module. Apart from the normal message, you can give a ``hint`` constructor argument. """ def __init__(self, msg: str="", hint: Optional[str]=None): Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.hint = hint def __str__(self): return self.msg
[docs]class StructureError(Error): """is raised if an error occurs during the construction of structures. You can construct these with pos; this is an opaque object that, when stringified, should expand to something that gives the user a rough idea of where something went wrong. Since you will usually not know where you are in the source document when you want to raise a StructureError, xmlstruct will try to fill pos in when it's still None when it sees a StructureError. Thus, you're probably well advised to leave it blank. """ def __init__(self, msg: str, pos: Optional[ParsePosition]=None, hint: Optional[str]=None): Error.__init__(self, msg, hint=hint) self.pos = pos self.posInMsg = bool(self.pos)
[docs] def addPos(self, baseMsg: str): if self.pos is None: return baseMsg else: return "At %s: %s"%(str(self.pos), baseMsg)
def __str__(self): return self.addPos(self.msg)
[docs]class LiteralParseError(StructureError): """is raised if an attribute literal is somehow bad. LiteralParseErrors are constructed with the name of the attribute that was being parsed, the offending literal, and optionally a parse position and a hint. """ def __init__(self, attName: str, literal: str, pos: Optional[ParsePosition]=None, hint: Optional[str]=None): StructureError.__init__(self, literal, pos=pos, hint=hint) self.attName, self.literal = attName, literal def __str__(self): return self.addPos( "'%s' is not a valid value for %s"%(self.literal, self.attName))
[docs]class RestrictedElement(StructureError): """is raised when elements forbidden in restricted RDs are encountered when restricted parsing is in effect. """ def __init__(self, elName: str, pos: Optional[ParsePosition]=None, hint: Optional[str]=None): if hint is None: hint='If you are actually sure this RD is what you think it it,' ' you could always gavo imp it from the command line' StructureError.__init__(self, "Illegal: "+elName, pos=pos, hint=hint) self.elName = elName def __str__(self): return self.addPos("'%s' is an illegal attribute or element" " when parsing from untrusted sources."%self.elName)
[docs]class BadCode(StructureError): """is raised when some code could not be compiled. BadCodes are constructed with the offending code, a code type, the original exception, and optionally a hint and a position. """ def __init__(self, code: str, codeType: str, origExc: Exception, hint: Optional[str]=None, pos: Optional[ParsePosition]=None): if not hint: hint = "The offending code was:\n%s"%code StructureError.__init__(self, "Bad code", pos=pos, hint=hint) self.code, self.codeType = code, codeType self.origExc = origExc def __repr__(self): return self.addPos( "Bad source code in %s (%s)"%( self.codeType, str(self.origExc))) def __str__(self): return repr(self)
[docs]class ValidationError(Error): """is raised when the validation of a field fails. ValidationErrors are constructed with a message, a column name, and optionally a row (i.e., a dict) and a hint. """ def __init__(self, msg:str, colName:str, row: Optional[dict]=None, hint: Optional[str]=None): Error.__init__(self, msg, hint=hint) self.msg = msg self.colName, self.row = colName, row def __str__(self): recStr = "" # if self.row: # recStr = ", found in: row %s"%repr(self.row) if self.colName: return "Field %s: %s%s"%(self.colName, self.msg, recStr) else: return "Unidentified Field: %s%s"%(self.msg, recStr)
[docs]class MultiplicityError(ValidationError): """is raised when a singleton is passed in multiple times or vice versa. """
[docs]class SourceParseError(Error): """is raised when some syntax error occurs during a source parse. They are constructed with the offending input construct (a source line or similar, None in a pinch) and the result of the row iterator's getLocator call. """ def __init__(self, msg: str, offending: Optional[str]=None, location: str="unspecified location", source: str="<unspecified source>", hint: Optional[str]=None): Error.__init__(self, msg, hint=hint) self.offending, self.location = offending, location self.source = source def __str__(self): if self.offending: return "At %s: %s, offending %s"%(self.location, self.msg, self.offending) else: return "At %s: %s"%(self.location, self.msg)
[docs]class DataError(Error): """is raised when something is wrong with a data set. When facing the web, these yield HTTP status 406. """
[docs]class ReportableError(Error): """is raised when something decides it can come up with an error message that should be presented to the user as-is. UIs should, consequently, just dump the payload and not try adornments. The content should be treated as a unicode string. """
[docs]class NotFoundError(Error): """is raised when something is asked for something that does not exist. lookedFor can be an arbitrary object, so be careful when your repr it -- that may be long. """ def __init__(self, lookedFor: str, what: str, within: str, hint: Optional[str]=None): Error.__init__(self, "ignored", hint=hint) self.lookedFor, self.what = lookedFor, what self.within = within def __str__(self): return "%s %r could not be located in %s"%( self.what, self.lookedFor, self.within)
[docs]class EmptyData(Error): """is raised within certain protocols to signify a request was successful but yielded no data. """
[docs]class RDNotFound(NotFoundError): """is raised when an RD cannot be located. """ cacheable = True def __init__(self, rdId:str, hint: Optional[str]=None): NotFoundError.__init__(self, rdId, hint=hint, what="Resource descriptor", within="file system")
[docs]class ExecutiveAction(Exception): """is a base class for exceptions that are supposed to break out of deep things and trigger actions higher up. """
[docs]class SkipThis(ExecutiveAction): """is caught in rsc.makeData. You can raise this at any place during source processing to skip the rest of this source but the go on. You should pass something descriptive as message so upstream can potentially report something is skipped and why. Note: in a rowmaker, you probably usually want to raise IgnoreThisRow instead; it's rare that you want to ignore the rest of a source just because you don't like a row. """
from gavo.utils.parsetricks import ( #noflake: exported name ParseBaseException as ParseException)