Source code for gavo.votable.enc_binary

Binary VOTable encoding.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

import datetime #noflake: used in generated code
import struct

from gavo import utils           #noflake: used by generated code
from gavo.utils import pgsphere  #noflake: used by generated code
from gavo.votable import coding  #noflake: used by generated code
from gavo.votable import common

floatNaN = struct.pack("!f", common.NaN)
doubleNaN = struct.pack("!d", common.NaN)

def _getArrayShapingCode(field, padder):
	"""returns common code for almost all array serialization.

	Field must describe an array (as opposed to a single value).

	padder must be python-source for whatever is used to pad
	arrays that are too short.
	base = [
		"if val is None: val = []"]
	if field.isMultiDim():
		# it's an n-d array (n>1): flatten out all values
		base.append("val = coding.ravel(val)")
	if field.hasVarLength():
		return base+["tokens.append(struct.pack('!i', len(val)))"]
		return base+["val = coding.trim(val, %s, %s)"%(
			field.getLength(), padder)]

def _addNullvalueCode(field, nullvalue, src):
	"""adds code to let null values kick in a necessary.

	nullvalue here has to be a ready-made *python* literal.  Take care
	when passing in user supplied values here.
	if nullvalue is None:
		action = ("  raise common.BadVOTableData('None passed for field"
			" that has no NULL value', None, '%s', hint='Integers in VOTable"
			" have no natural serializations for missing values.  You need to"
			" define one using values null to allow for NULL in integer columns')"
		action = "  tokens.append(%s)"%nullvalue
	return [
		"if val is None:",
		]+common.indentList(src, "  ")

def _makeBooleanEncoder(field):
	return [
		"if val is None:",
		"  tokens.append(b'?')",
		"elif val:",
		"  tokens.append(b'1')",
		"  tokens.append(b'0')",

def _makeBitEncoder(field, allowNULL=False):
	# bits and bit arrays are just (possibly long) integers
	# length may be None for var length.
	length = field.getLength()
	if allowNULL:
		src = [
			"if val is None:"
			"  tokens.append(b'\\0\\0\\0\\0')",]
		src = [
			"if val is None:",
			"  raise common.BadVOTableData('Bits have no NULL value', None,",
			"    '%s')"%field.getDesignation(),]

		"  tmp = []",
		"  curByte, rest = val%256, val//256",
		"  while curByte:",
		"    tmp.append(curByte)",
		"    curByte, rest = rest%256, rest//256",
		"  if not tmp:",   # make sure we leave something even for 0
		"    tmp.append(0)",
		"  tmp.reverse()",])

	if length!=1:  # this not just a single bit
		if length is None:  # variable length: dump number of bits
				"  tokens.append(struct.pack('!i', len(tmp)*8))"])
		else:  # crop/expand as necessary
			numBytes = int(length)//8+(not not int(length)%8)
				"  if len(tmp)<%d: tmp = [0]*(%d-len(tmp))+tmp"%(
					numBytes, numBytes),
				"  if len(tmp)>%d: tmp = tmp[-%d:]"%(numBytes, numBytes)])
		"  tokens.append(bytes(tmp))"])
	return src

def _generateFloatEncoderMaker(fmtCode, nullName):
	def makeFloatEncoder(field):
		return [
			"if val is None:",
			"  tokens.append(%s)"%nullName,
			"  tokens.append(struct.pack('%s', val))"%fmtCode]
	return makeFloatEncoder

def _generateComplexEncoderMaker(fmtCode, singleNull):
	def makeComplexEncoder(field):
		return [
			"if val is None:",
			"  tokens.append(%s+%s)"%(singleNull, singleNull),
			"  tokens.append(struct.pack('%s', val.real, val.imag))"%fmtCode]
	return makeComplexEncoder

def _generateIntEncoderMaker(fmtCode):
	def makeIntEncoder(field):
		nullvalue = coding.getNullvalue(field, int)
		if nullvalue is not None:
			nullvalue = repr(struct.pack(fmtCode, int(nullvalue)))
		return _addNullvalueCode(field, nullvalue,[
			"tokens.append(struct.pack('%s', val))"%fmtCode])
	return makeIntEncoder

def _makeUnsignedByteEncoder(field):
# allow these to come from strings, too (db type bytea)
	nullvalue = coding.getNullvalue(field, int)
	if nullvalue is not None:
		nullvalue = repr(struct.pack("B", int(nullvalue)))
	return _addNullvalueCode(field, nullvalue, [
		"if isinstance(val, int):",
		"  tokens.append(struct.pack('B', val))",
		"  tokens.append(struct.pack('c', val[:1]))"])

def _makeCharEncoder(field):
	nullvalue = coding.getNullvalue(field, lambda _: True)
	if nullvalue is not None:
		nullvalue = repr(struct.pack("c", utils.bytify(nullvalue)))

	return ["if isinstance(val, str): val = val.encode('ascii')",
		]+_addNullvalueCode(field, nullvalue, [

def _makeUnicodeCharEncoder(field):
	nullvalue = coding.getNullvalue(field, lambda _: True)
	if nullvalue is not None:
		coded = nullvalue.encode("utf-16be")
		nullvalue = repr(struct.pack("%ds"%len(coded), coded))
	return _addNullvalueCode(field, nullvalue, [
		"coded = val.encode('utf-16be')",
		"tokens.append(struct.pack('%ds'%len(coded), coded))"])

def _makeCharArrayEncoder(field):
# special handling for character arrays, since we don't want to treat
# those as character arrays in python.
	nullvalue = coding.getNullvalue(field, lambda _: True, default="")
	src = []

	src.append("val = coding.trimString(val, %s)"%repr(field.arraysize))

	if field.hasVarLength():
		src.append("tokens.append(struct.pack('!i', len(val)))")
		if nullvalue is None:
			nullvalue = repr('\0\0\0\0')
			# The bytes in the next line allows nullvalue to be str (containing
			# ascii, of course)
			nullvalue = repr(struct.pack("!i%ds"%len(nullvalue),
				len(nullvalue), nullvalue.encode("utf-8")))
		if nullvalue is not None:
			nullvalue = repr(struct.pack("%ds"%field.getLength(),
				coding.trimString(nullvalue, field.arraysize).encode("utf-8")))
		# no predefined nullvalue for constant-length strings

	if field.datatype=="unicodeChar":
		src.append("val = val.encode('utf-16be')")
	elif field.datatype=="char":
			'if isinstance(val, str):',
			'  val = val.encode("ascii", "replace")'])

	src.append("tokens.append(struct.pack('%ds'%len(val), val))")
	return _addNullvalueCode(field, nullvalue, src)

_encoders = {
		"boolean": _makeBooleanEncoder,
		"bit": _makeBitEncoder,
		"unsignedByte": _makeUnsignedByteEncoder,
		"short": _generateIntEncoderMaker('!h'),
		"int": _generateIntEncoderMaker('!i'),
		"long": _generateIntEncoderMaker('!q'),
		"char": _makeCharEncoder,
		"unicodeChar": _makeUnicodeCharEncoder,
		"double": _generateFloatEncoderMaker("!d", "doubleNaN"),
		"float": _generateFloatEncoderMaker("!f", "floatNaN"),
		"doubleComplex": _generateComplexEncoderMaker("!dd", "doubleNaN"),
		"floatComplex": _generateComplexEncoderMaker("!ff", "floatNaN"),

def _getArrayEncoderLines(field):
	"""returns python lines to encode array values of field.
	type = field.datatype

	# bit array literals are integers, same as bits
	if type=="bit":
		return _makeBitEncoder(field)

	if type=="char" or type=="unicodeChar":
		return _makeCharArrayEncoder(field)

	# Everything else can use some common array shaping code since value comes in
	# some kind of sequence.
	padder = '[None]'
	src = [ # Painful name juggling to avoid having to call functions.
		"fullTokens = tokens",
		"tokens = []",
		"if val is None:",
		"  arr = []",
		"  arr = val",
		"for val in arr:"
	]+common.indentList(_encoders[field.datatype](field), "  ")

		"tokens = fullTokens"])
	return (common.getXtypeEncoderCode(field)
  	+ _getArrayShapingCode(field, padder)
  	+ src)

[docs]def getLinesFor(field): """returns a sequence of python source lines to encode values described by field into tabledata. """ if field.isScalar(): return _encoders[field.datatype](field) else: return _getArrayEncoderLines(field)
[docs]def getPostamble(tableDefinition): return [ "return b''.join(tokens)"]
[docs]def getGlobals(tableDefinition): return globals()