Source code for gavo.votable.votparse

Stream parsing of VOTables.

This module builds on a shallow wrapping of expat in utils.iterparse.
There is an "almost-tight" parsing loop in the parse method.  It
builds an xmlstan tree (mainly through the _processNodeDefault method).

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

# To fiddle with the nodes as they are generated, define an
# _end_ELEMENTNAME method.  If you do this, you will have to do
# any adding of children to parents yourself (it happens in
# _processNodeDefault, which is called when no custom handler is
# present.

import io

from gavo import utils
from gavo.utils import ElementTree
from gavo.votable import common
from gavo.votable import model
from gavo.votable import tableparser


# We treat all VOTable versions as equal.

[docs]class IGNORE(object): """this is a sentinel element used when an element is not known but robust parsing is requested. These should not end up in a DOM, but if they do, they're silent. They're designed to largely behave like stanxml Elements; it can't autoconstruct, though. """ def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, **kwargs): return self def __getitem__(self, item): pass
[docs] def isEmpty(self): return True
[docs] def shouldBeSkipped(self): return True
[docs] def apply(self, func): return
def _processNodeDefault(text, child, parent): """the default node processor: Append child to parent, return child. """ assert not (text and text.strip()), ( "Content '%s' in must-empty VOTable element %s"%(text, repr(child))) parent[child] return child def _processNodeWithContent(text, child, parent): """the node processor for nodes with text content. """ if text and text.strip(): child[text] # Attention: mixed content not supported parent[child] return child _end_DESCRIPTION = _processNodeWithContent _end_INFO = _processNodeWithContent _end_MODEL = _processNodeWithContent _end_URL = _processNodeWithContent _end_LITERAL = _processNodeWithContent _end_NAME = _processNodeWithContent # STREAMs and TABLEDATA should ordinarily be processed by the table # iterator, so this really is only interesting for special applications: _end_STREAM = _processNodeWithContent _end_TD = _processNodeWithContent _end_IDREF = _processNodeWithContent _end_LITERAL = _processNodeWithContent def _end_VOTABLE(text, child, parent): # VOTABLEs have no useful parents. return child def _computeEndProcessorsImpl(): """returns a dictionary of tag names to end processors. Each processor as defined using _end_XXXX has an entry each for each namespace we're likely to encounter, and one non-namespaced. """ res, globs = {}, globals() for n, v in globs.items(): if n.startswith("_end_"): elName = n[5:] res[elName] = v for ns in VOTABLE_NAMESPACES: res["%s:%s"%(ns, elName)] = v return res computeEndProcessors = utils.CachedGetter(_computeEndProcessorsImpl) def _computeElementsImpl(): """returns a dictionary of tag names to xmlstan elements building them. All elements are present for each VOTABLE_NAMESPACE, plus once non-namespaced. """ res = {} for n in dir(model.VOTable): if not n.startswith("_"): val = getattr(model.VOTable, n) res[n] = val for ns in VOTABLE_NAMESPACES: res[ElementTree.QName(ns, n)] = val return res computeElements = utils.CachedGetter(_computeElementsImpl) def _cleanAttributes(attrDict, element, raiseOnInvalid): """returns a sanitised version of attDict for element. We force attribute keys to be byte strings (since they're being used as keyword arguments), and we drop everything that's namespace related -- it's not necessary for VOTables and people mess it up anyway. Also, we complain about or filter out attributes that element cannot deal with. """ cleaned = {} for key, value in attrDict.items(): if ":" in key or key=="xmlns": continue key = str(key.replace("-", "_")) if not hasattr(element, "_a_"+key): if raiseOnInvalid: raise KeyError(key) else: continue cleaned[key] = value return cleaned
[docs]def parse(inFile, watchset=DEFAULT_WATCHSET, raiseOnInvalid=True): """returns an iterator yielding items of interest. inFile is a something that supports read(bytes) watchset is a sequence of items of VOTable you want yielded. By default, that's just VOTable.TABLE. You may want to see INFO or PARAM of certain protocols. """ # This parser has gotten a bit too fat. Maybe move the whole thing # to a class? All this isn't terribly critical to performance... watchset = set(watchset) idmap = {} processors = computeEndProcessors() elements = computeElements() elementStack = [None] # None is VOTABLE's parent iterator = utils.iterparse(inFile, common.VOTableParseError) content = [] for type, tag, payload in iterator: if type=="data": content.append(payload) elif type=="start": # Element open: push new node on the stack... if tag not in elements: if raiseOnInvalid: raise iterator.getParseError("Unknown tag: %s"%tag) else: element = IGNORE() else: element = elements[tag]() if payload: try: payload = _cleanAttributes(payload, element, raiseOnInvalid) except KeyError as msg: raise iterator.getParseError("Attribute %s invalid on %s"%( str(msg), element.name_)) elementStack.append(element(**payload)) # ...prepare for new content,... content = [] # ...add the node to the id map if it has an ID... elId = payload.get("ID") if elId is not None: idmap[elId] = elementStack[-1] # ...and pass control to special iterator if DATA is coming in. if tag=="DATA": yield tableparser.Rows(elementStack[-2], iterator) elif type=="end": # Element close: process text content... if content: text = "".join(content) content = [] else: text = None # ...see if we have any special procssing to do for the node type... nodeProc = processors.get(tag, _processNodeDefault) preChild = elementStack.pop() if not isinstance(preChild, IGNORE): # handler with the current node and its future parent... child = nodeProc(text, preChild, elementStack[-1]) # ...and let user do something with the element if she ordered it. if child is not None and child.__class__ in watchset: child.idmap = idmap yield child else: assert False
[docs]def readRaw(inFile): """returns a V.VOTABLE instance with filled-in data for the input from inFile. """ for el in parse(inFile, [model.VOTable.TABLE, model.VOTable.VOTABLE]): if isinstance(el, tableparser.Rows): el.tableDefinition.rows = list(el) return el
[docs]def parseBytes(string, watchset=DEFAULT_WATCHSET, raiseOnInvalid=True): """returns an iterator yielding pairs of (table definition, row iterator). string contains a VOTable literal as bytes (where we fall back to utf-8 encoding strings if necessary). """ return parse(io.BytesIO(utils.bytify(string)), watchset, raiseOnInvalid)