gavo.rsc.metatable module¶
Handling table metadata in the dc.(table|column)meta tables.
This has been a mediocre plan, and it’s almost unused these days except to locate RDs for tables. Hence, we should tear this entire thing down and have the table->RD mapping stowed somewhere else.
Or at least give up on the extra connection and have the clients use base.getTableDefForTable(connection, tableName) directly.
- class gavo.rsc.metatable.MetaTableHandler[source]¶
an interface to DaCHS meta tables.
This used to be a fairly complex interface to all sorts for DC-related metadata. These day, the only thing it does is figure out where table definitions reside and which are available for ADQL. This thing has been a bad idea all around.
Though you can construct MetaTableHandlers of your own, you should use base.caches.getMTH(None) when reading.