gavo.web.qprenderer module

A renderer that queries a single field in a service.

class gavo.web.qprenderer.QPRenderer(request, service)[source]

Bases: HTMLResultRenderMixin, CustomTemplateMixin, ServiceBasedPage

The Query Path renderer extracts a query argument from the query path.

Basically, whatever segments are left after the path to the renderer are taken and fed into the service. The service must cooperate by setting a queryField property which is the key the parameter is assigned to.

QPRenderers cannot do forms, of course, but they can nicely share a service with the form renderer.

To adjust the results’ appreance, you can override resultline (for when there’s just one result row) and resulttable (for when there is more than one result row) templates.

defaultQueryFormat = 'HTML'
getChild(name, request)[source]

Retrieve a ‘child’ resource from me.

Implement this to create dynamic resource generation – resources which are always available may be registered with self.putChild().

This will not be called if the class-level variable ‘isLeaf’ is set in your subclass; instead, the ‘postpath’ attribute of the request will be left as a list of the remaining path elements.

For example, the URL /foo/bar/baz will normally be:

| site.resource.getChild('foo').getChild('bar').getChild('baz').

However, if the resource returned by ‘bar’ has isLeaf set to true, then the getChild call will never be made on it.

Parameters and return value have the same meaning and requirements as those defined by L{IResource.getChildWithDefault}.

classmethod isCacheable(segments, request)[source]

should return true if the content rendered will only change when the associated RD changes.

request is a nevow request object. web.root.ArchiveService already makes sure that you only see GET request without arguments and without a user, so you do not need to check this.

name = 'qp'
queryValue = None

Render a given resource. See L{IResource}’s render method.

I delegate to methods of self with the form ‘render_METHOD’ where METHOD is the HTTP that was used to make the request. Examples: render_GET, render_HEAD, render_POST, and so on. Generally you should implement those methods instead of overriding this one.

render_METHOD methods are expected to return a byte string which will be the rendered page, unless the return value is C{server.NOT_DONE_YET}, in which case it is this class’s responsibility to write the results using C{request.write(data)} and then call C{request.finish()}.

Old code that overrides render() directly is likewise expected to return a byte string or NOT_DONE_YET.

@see: L{IResource.render}

class gavo.web.qprenderer.VOTableResource(result, queryMeta)[source]

Bases: Resource


Render a given resource. See L{IResource}’s render method.

I delegate to methods of self with the form ‘render_METHOD’ where METHOD is the HTTP that was used to make the request. Examples: render_GET, render_HEAD, render_POST, and so on. Generally you should implement those methods instead of overriding this one.

render_METHOD methods are expected to return a byte string which will be the rendered page, unless the return value is C{server.NOT_DONE_YET}, in which case it is this class’s responsibility to write the results using C{request.write(data)} and then call C{request.finish()}.

Old code that overrides render() directly is likewise expected to return a byte string or NOT_DONE_YET.

@see: L{IResource.render}