This page contains data products that either are a direct outcome of the BDBS efforts, or those that have been produced independently but are of direct relevance to the team's science. Uploads are currently restricted to 30 Mb.

  1. Reddening Map (Simion et al. 2017)

Reddening Map: extmapbulge.fits.gz

Details: From Simion et al. (2017), based on VISTA photometry. Only latitudes b > -10º are covered.
The extinction laws used are from Green et al. (2018) for grizY and from Schlafly et al. al. (2011) for u; these read:

Au = 4.239 * E(B-V)
Ag = 3.384 * E(B-V)
Ar = 2.483 * E(B-V)
Ai = 1.838 * E(B-V)
Az = 1.414 * E(B-V)
Ay = 1.126 * E(B-V)

BDBS: Data products (last edited 2020-05-11 09:49:25 by localhost)