Package gavo :: Package base :: Module sqlsupport :: Class GAVOConnection
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Class GAVOConnection

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                    object --+    
psycopg2.extensions.connection --+
Known Subclasses:

A psycopg2 connection with some additional methods.

This derivation is also done so we can attach the getDBConnection arguments to the connection; it is used when recovering from a database restart.

Instance Methods
setTimeout(self, timeout)
sets a timeout on queries.
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returns the current timeout setting.
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timeoutSet(*args, **kwds)
a contextmanager to have a timeout set in the controlled section.
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queryToDicts(self, query, args={}, timeout=None, caseFixer=None)
iterates over dictionary rows for query.
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query(self, query, args={}, timeout=None)
iterates over result tuples for query.
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execute(self, query, args={})
executes query in a cursor.
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savepoint(*args, **kwds)
sets up a section protected by a savepoint that will be released after use.
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Inherited from psycopg2.extensions.connection: __enter__, __exit__, __init__, __new__, __repr__, __str__, cancel, close, commit, cursor, fileno, get_backend_pid, get_parameter_status, get_transaction_status, isexecuting, lobject, poll, reset, rollback, set_client_encoding, set_isolation_level, set_session, tpc_begin, tpc_commit, tpc_prepare, tpc_recover, tpc_rollback, xid

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from psycopg2.extensions.connection: DataError, DatabaseError, Error, IntegrityError, InterfaceError, InternalError, NotSupportedError, OperationalError, ProgrammingError, Warning, async, autocommit, binary_types, closed, cursor_factory, dsn, encoding, isolation_level, notices, notifies, protocol_version, server_version, status, string_types

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

setTimeout(self, timeout)

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sets a timeout on queries.

timeout is in seconds; timeout=0 disables timeouts (this is what postgres does, too)


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returns the current timeout setting.

The value is in float seconds.

timeoutSet(*args, **kwds)

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a contextmanager to have a timeout set in the controlled section.

  • @contextlib.contextmanager

queryToDicts(self, query, args={}, timeout=None, caseFixer=None)

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iterates over dictionary rows for query.

This is mainly for ad-hoc queries needing little metadata.

The dictionary keys are determined by what the database says the column titles are; thus, it's usually lower-cased variants of what's in the select-list. To fix this, you can pass in a caseFixer dict that gives a properly cased version of lowercase names.

execute(self, query, args={})

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executes query in a cursor.

This returns the rowcount of the cursor used.

savepoint(*args, **kwds)

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sets up a section protected by a savepoint that will be released after use.

If an exception happens in the controlled section, the connection will be rolled back to the savepoint.

  • @contextlib.contextmanager